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how long do peppers take to germinate?


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  • #16
    I don't usually start to worry till it's gone past 3 weeks. They are never in a hurry!
    Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


    • #17
      Which variety are you growing?
      Mine came up in 10 days


      • #18
        i can't remember what variety i'm growing, and i've lost the packet........ but one has poked through today,hopefully the rest with follow in the next day or so....


        • #19

          I planted sweet pepper seeds and also cayenne pepper seeds (shop bought) about a month ago in small 3" pots, which were on my windowsil. Only one of the cayenne pepper seeds has sprouted and all the other pots have not sprouted - some have even started to grow mould?!?! I have no idea why as the compost was new shop bought organic stuff.


          • #20
            I sowed mine more than a month ago. They are just on a windowsill so it probably isn't warm enough for them, especially at night.

            If it is too cool, will they rot before they get going or will they just take longer? Only I am trying to decide whether to sow more and risk ending up with too many plants or leave them a bit longer and risk ending up with no plants. Oh, I think I've just answered my own question I will try an pre-germinate the next lot though. Oh, exciting!

            ETA: Pants! I went to get my remaining seed and realised I don't actually have any more, I sowed the lot I have some more minibell peppers but not sweet peppers. Off to the GC with me then. And meanwhile I've moved the non-germinated ones on top of the fishtank, which is a sight warmer than the windowsill.
            Last edited by Demeter; 24-03-2009, 09:08 PM.
            Warning: I have a dangerous tendency to act like I know what I'm talking about.


            • #21
              I sowed some sweet peppers on my windowsill mid January, some were up by the start of February while one seed has only just sprouted! (Varieties used were Red marconi and Golden Cal. Wonder.) So patience is required...


              • #22
                Good fresh seed is the answer and with gentle warmth such as an electric propagator most varieties will germinate within 2 to 3 weeks. I have found older 'stale' seed is much slower to germinate with poor germination rates and produces weaker less productive plants.

                Although from the same family tomato seed seems to last forever and still has good viability after 4-5 years.


                • #23
                  i sowed 9 last year and got one plant, which i think only germinated when i did a trial and used warm water at 20 degress celcius till it showed signs of life pushing up. after my previous 2 lots of 4 failed to show, could be my packet of seeds as my friends all germinated but another with the same packet got from same place had same problem. will be trying again though.


                  • #24
                    glad I read this not so worried about my chilli seeds now!


                    • #25
                      Not sure if it was popping them on top of the fishtank that has done it or if they were about to pop up anyway, but I can now see two little babies pushing their way out of the compost. Woot!
                      (They must have heard me threatening to go and get some more seed lol)

                      They are Gypsy F1 bought last year but only opened for sowing this year.
                      Warning: I have a dangerous tendency to act like I know what I'm talking about.


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