Afte reading the suggestions in the recent "Which Book" thread, I bought a copy of Andi Clevely's Allotment Book.
The main thing I need to learn about is crop rotation, so off to page 35 where I am told Bed A, Year 1, Podded vegetables and the onion family - which is explained as legumes (peas & beans) and onions. Sounds simple enough . . .
Trouble is, on the facing page in the Companion Planting box, Mr Clevely tells us that "beans do not grow well next to onions"
Although I've never grown veggies before (apart from obvious greenhouse stuff) I'm not a novice gardener but this leaves me completely confused and more than a tad irritated.
Thankfully the book came from Amazon and they'll be getting it back, but in the meantime, PLEASE could someone tell me what the right answer is?
The main thing I need to learn about is crop rotation, so off to page 35 where I am told Bed A, Year 1, Podded vegetables and the onion family - which is explained as legumes (peas & beans) and onions. Sounds simple enough . . .
Trouble is, on the facing page in the Companion Planting box, Mr Clevely tells us that "beans do not grow well next to onions"
Although I've never grown veggies before (apart from obvious greenhouse stuff) I'm not a novice gardener but this leaves me completely confused and more than a tad irritated.