Bear with me, bit long winded, but hopefully relevant!
I took over an allotment in August of last year, that had been regularly cultivated under a crop rotation system, according to the previous owner who had moved to another allotment on the site a few months previously. Whilst the allotment was superficially in need of tidying up, the soil appeared to be in good body and I asked the questions about club root or any problems. Over last Autumn/Winter I have installed a raised bed system on the site, incorporated manure, according to the crop rotation guidelines and have dug over to two spades depth and removed all the weed.
Last October I bought in some plug plant Durham Spring Cabbages and planted two rows in one raised bed, having incorporated chicken pellets before planting. In February I fed the cabbages with Liquid Manure Tea. These last couple of weeks the cabbages on the right have turned a yellowish colour and look quite sickly, but the cabbages down the left of the bed, which are in the same soil, treated in exactly the same way are looking really green and healthy.
I was advised that they were short of Nitrogen, so have fed this weekend Chicken Pellets hoed in an watered copiously. Then having pulled one of the more sickly cabbages up at weekend and there was very little in terms of root system, but no sign of root fly or club root, from what I've read that looks like.
Any ideas?
Bear with me, bit long winded, but hopefully relevant!
I took over an allotment in August of last year, that had been regularly cultivated under a crop rotation system, according to the previous owner who had moved to another allotment on the site a few months previously. Whilst the allotment was superficially in need of tidying up, the soil appeared to be in good body and I asked the questions about club root or any problems. Over last Autumn/Winter I have installed a raised bed system on the site, incorporated manure, according to the crop rotation guidelines and have dug over to two spades depth and removed all the weed.
Last October I bought in some plug plant Durham Spring Cabbages and planted two rows in one raised bed, having incorporated chicken pellets before planting. In February I fed the cabbages with Liquid Manure Tea. These last couple of weeks the cabbages on the right have turned a yellowish colour and look quite sickly, but the cabbages down the left of the bed, which are in the same soil, treated in exactly the same way are looking really green and healthy.
I was advised that they were short of Nitrogen, so have fed this weekend Chicken Pellets hoed in an watered copiously. Then having pulled one of the more sickly cabbages up at weekend and there was very little in terms of root system, but no sign of root fly or club root, from what I've read that looks like.
Any ideas?
