Well, they are around 10-12 inches high now and just starting to form the first truss, so the bulk of my tomato plants will be planted out into the tunnels this Easter weekend.
They have been hardened off over the last week and are ready to be put out into the big wide world. I generally keep one door of each tunnel open unless the night temp is likely to drop below 4-5 degrees when I close them, but open them up again in the morning. This saves baking the plants on a sunny day as would happen with closed doors.
As a bonus, the space freed up in the home greenhouse makes for lots of squash, courgette, pumpkin, sweetcorn and maincrop climbing french bean sowing, along with a raft of flowers.
They have been hardened off over the last week and are ready to be put out into the big wide world. I generally keep one door of each tunnel open unless the night temp is likely to drop below 4-5 degrees when I close them, but open them up again in the morning. This saves baking the plants on a sunny day as would happen with closed doors.
As a bonus, the space freed up in the home greenhouse makes for lots of squash, courgette, pumpkin, sweetcorn and maincrop climbing french bean sowing, along with a raft of flowers.