i saved tomato seeds & chilli seeds...tomato seeds growing nicely whilst the chillis died...
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How Many Grapes Keep Seed..?
I have saved chilli, pepper, tomato, broad beans, runner beans, french beans, peas. So far, they're all growing fineI haven't sown the french or runner beans yet, but I'm confident they'll do fine after the success with everything else.
Some of the chillis are just down as 'Mystery' chillis because last year they seemed to be a strange hybrid between a Cherry Bomb and a Cayenne.. but it's all part of the fun
I'm hoping to save some leek seeds this year, which will be a first for me.
Leek, tom, peppers, chillis, pinto beans from last year. I saved about 5 types of the chillis and toms. Plus herbs such as chives where I plant the flower head in a module then put the bunch of chives out as a bundle.
I have made some seed saving pebbles [see blog] to put against those I am saving seed of...beetroot, onions, basil that survived the winter, mizuna are already out there from last year's sowings waiting for the seed to come through. I choose good samples and try to save those. If I don't put the pebbles, my OH is likely to whip them up once they look bedraggled.
This year, I have seeds for HSL [beans and toms], plus the HSL trials [4 x peas], plus loads of onions, beans, peas, shallots etc etc to also save seeds of. I put SS on the label of each sowing, so that I set aside a module of each just for the seed saving. I'll also add to the ones from the module the best specimens; so that I end up with several plants that I am saving seeds from.
I save stuff too. All my toms, peas, beans, and the ocasional shop squash or chilli. Sometimes you get what you exPected with the shop things, sometimes you don't - but you can still eat it all!Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.
www.vegheaven.blogspot.com Updated March 9th - Spring
Hi, am new to this growing lots (new allotment) so the raised beds just gave us enough last year without saving, so am the same as fluorescent green, will be saving some this year.
Fellow allotmenteers have been handing me bags of saved peas/broad beans/leeks so am hoping to repay the favour next year, from my bought ying yang/borlotti beans etc.
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