Well, better late than never I suppose - finally a good pick of runner beans (eating some of them at the moment). 2 cobs of sweetcorn, and more tomatoes from the greenhouse.
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Today I Mostly Harvested......
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I've not been on for a couple of weeks but I have had the last of my french beans, and I have had two baby sweetcorn (Minipop). They tasted so much better than shop-bought, and the plants look wicked. I'm hoping there's a couple more coming through now.
I've also had my first three red tomatoes and a few carrots. Hopefully more tomatoes ripening up soon.
HUGE courgettes, and a few smaller ones, still getting chard and the spinach is doing very well. Cabbage (picking them as I use them), french beans seem to have a second wind so got a good handful of them and loads of runner beans. Late planted french beans are nearly ready to start cropping, so hoping to get some of them next week. Oh and some blackberries that I found behind the shed after putting together my compost boxes.
Cucumbers, sweetcorn, courgette, carrots, runner beans, french beans,borlottie beans, rasperries (still!!!), 2nd earlies, lates, cabbage, red onions, tomatoes and 2 little gems!
All this and Im just a novice
Pat on the back me thinks, well if I dont no other booger round here will!!!Little ol' me
Has just bagged a Lottie!
Oh and the chickens are taking over my garden!
FIL and MIL - http://vegblogs.co.uk/chubbly/
I willblooming well done says I
I'm newish myself. Today I picked runner beans, borlotti beans, yellow and purple french beans, courgettes, babycorn, chili peppers and two whopping red cabbages. Smug doesn't even begin to describe it.
The courgettes are looking distinctly raggedy now though. I doubt they will produce many more for me.
Pal gave me a big bucket of cooking apples the other day- I exchanged some runners and potatoes- so tomorrow will be making a big batch of braised red cabbage and apple. Yummmmmmmmmmm.
Originally posted by Munch View Post
Pat on the back me thinks, well if I dont no other booger round here will!!!
Sorry if I offended, you bunch are fab xxLittle ol' me
Has just bagged a Lottie!
Oh and the chickens are taking over my garden!
FIL and MIL - http://vegblogs.co.uk/chubbly/
Know what you meanthe lad can be distinctly rude about the allotment at times! Mind you, so can I, days like today where it's 9.30 and I still haven's dealt with (cooked / processed/ whatever) all the veg I picked today yet. Meh. (ok, I did have a long break for dinner, wine and then Dr Who...)
Right- back to it...
another 3lb of courgettes, frenchies, runners, cauli's , cabbage ,two chillies , baby carrots and some tatties.......and more apples (still loads to go)Last edited by binley100; 11-09-2011, 09:13 PM.S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber
You can't beat a bit of garden porn
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