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Today I Mostly Harvested......


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  • Yesterday first broad beans - today they have developed chocolate spot.
    Today first courgettes and first cucumber. Latter should have been a gherkin but was hiding. Oops.
    Mangetout and salad leaves.
    Le Sarramea


    • Ripe strawberries from the garden.
      Time from picking to being in my mouth: about 5 seconds.


      • Strawberries. First new potatoes - about to have them for supper!


        • Wild rocket. Anyone grow wild rocket and notice how much more peppery it seems than shop bought rocket? More of a burn.


          • Gave into temptation and picked and ate my first ripe tomato - its was scrummy! Although not so sure the variety is aptly named sweet millions more like sweet 2 or 3! I suppose it's down to this manky weather.


            • Originally posted by ItsEssexRob View Post
              Wild rocket. Anyone grow wild rocket and notice how much more peppery it seems than shop bought rocket? More of a burn.
              In my home made cut-and-come-again mix I'd actually mistaken my mustard red frills for wild rocket*, so when I noticed the actual wild rocket growing in there it seemed quite mild in comparison. Both still have more burn than store bought rocket. The mustard had a fantastic fieriness to it, I couldn't get enough. Need to sow some more, it would be great in sandwiches, would give a fantastic kick. I think I have a new favourite salad leaf, and would strongly recommend it to anyone who likes a bit of heat in their salad mix.

              * my mistake was mainly because I'd misremember which mustard I'd bought, and thought it was giant red, rather than red frills (due mainly to Chiltern listing them in different sections of their catalogue, so giant red was the only one I could find when trying to look up what I'd sown), so wild rocket was my best guess for what these crazy wild frilly leaves were.
              Last edited by lukens; 21-06-2012, 01:05 PM.


              • Broad beans...
                Spring Onions
                Garlic (pulling up one by one for now- could do with another week or 2)
                I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                ...utterly nutterly


                • Garlic...

                  ..and a few bolted onions that were worth saving.


                  • Potatoes, mangetout, onion, garlic, salad leaves.
                    Spelling errors are my area of expertise. Apologies if my jumbled up mind/words cause offence.


                    • Turnips...........
                      S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                      a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                      You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                      • Potatoes,chard,mange tout,lettuce,turnip,tiny carrots. Beans not ripe yet. Blackbirds had greenhouse strawberries .


                        • The alfalfa sprouts arent ready yet but they are getting there. The snow pea sprouts are doing started but not sure about the mustard sprouts. I'll be harvesting one day

                          My blog:

                          Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!

                          One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French

                          Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club


                          • Started super early an have been reaping the awards since last month, tomatos galor (galor means sick of the sight of them), jalape�o's, shakera and a couple of prarie fire chillies, lettuce chard some turuip chives radish and some courgettes, am not to sure but my red baron onions have been out for 3months now and am not to sure if they have bolted, how would a tell if they have willy nelson??



                            • First spuds - charlotte- a good size, too. And for the first time ever NO SLUG DAMAGE. We're winning...
                              Le Sarramea


                              • Raspberries!
                                My spiffy new lottie blog


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