A few broad beans to eat sliced they were only as long as my finger but tasted ever so nice.
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Today I Mostly Harvested......
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Peas and Broad beans (before the blackfly gets them!), salads and spinach,beetroot ,cauliflower ,kale and the first ever fennel that hasn't bolted. Perhaps all the horrible weather has been good for something?
Love it when the basket starts to look full when I come back from the veg patchGardening forever, housework whenever!
Gooseberries! Can't take any credit for them as the bush was here already. It's heaving with fruit, without any human intervention. Gooseberry and lemon balm (also from the garden) cake in the oven right now, and I've got a kilo of berries and some elderflower heads to be made into jam tonight.
Going out shortly to get some rosemary for dinner. I so love having a proper herb patch.March is the new winter.
First harvest of the year.... yipee.....
new pots, (5)
Rhubarb, (6 stems)
baby broad beans, (cant wait....8)
love it love it love it.
who needs sunshine, we WILL defy the weather.passionate about plants
http://escapetotheallotment.blogspot.co.uk/ Check out my new blog...
There is no greater satisfaction than is gained from a plate of your own home grown !
Peas, calabrese, new potatoes, mesclun, lettuce, spring onions, radish, cucumber and last but by no means least a few strawberries.
We are getting there.
ColinPotty by name Potty by nature.
By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.
We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.
Aesop 620BC-560BC
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Reply to Winter projectsby Vince GSo a couple of weeks later than intended, work has commenced on my anti-ratty tunnel today.
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