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Today I Mostly Harvested......


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  • Just picked some lettuce and basil, that's all I've got ready to eat, did have a poke around at the carrots but they are still too tiny.
    Location....East Midlands.


    • 5 elephant garlic bubls [ planted 5, 5 grew!! ], 3 rows of purple wight, all good sized. Looks like garlic will be on the christmas present list for people this year


      • Courgette last night.

        After seeing River Cottage and Hugh picking 'finger' length courgettes we just got too excited and did the same. Had it with dinner and it was LOVELY!!!

        I don't normally like them so I'm well CHUFFED! Home grown IS best.....


        • 42 beautiful bulbs of garlic.
          Mad Old Bat With Attitude.

          I tried jogging, but I couldn't keep the ice in my glass.


          • Spud, parnips thinnings (to saut�, waste not want not), mange tout, lettuce, broccoli, radish, spring onions.
            Not a bad day really


            • all i havehad time to pick today are some more garlic scapes, and some cabbage leaves.
              its an evening in watching glastobury on tv and thinking of old times.lost friends.
              a good put down line to use !

              If having brains was a fatal disease, you would be the only survivor.


              • I picked some spring onions and way too much Lollo Rosso lettuce - anyone have a recipe other then a huge salad?

                Today we also picked some lovely ripe strawberries, at lunchtime I and two daughters ate them with cream - they were absolutely delicious.
                My hopes are not always realized but I always hope (Ovid)




                • Yee and indeed, Haw!! Today I managed to harvest new potato's (Charlotte) lovely as potato salad and Broad beans, both delicious with a cheese, onion & chive quiche (not home made) also Basil to use on bacon tomato and mozerella sandwiches. Mmmmmm.
                  Picked a few petit pois and sugar snaps whist harvesting the broadies. Delicious.


                  • Anya potatoes, peas, broadbeans and all of my beetroot


                    • After growing courgettes in buckets in the GH for a few years with, frankly, mixed success, I decided to plant them out this year and they've been producing for a couple of weeks. Yesterday I cut a couple of big 'uns and stuffed them with mushrooms, onions, home grown basil and roasted them with home grown toms. Served with home grown new pots and home grown broad beans.
                      Those poor, poor folk who don't grow their own - feel so sorry for them !


                      • first tomatoes today, sungold! delish(didnt make it home lol), another cue, more spuds, broard beans,radish(as big as turnips!!!) lettuce and some coriander leaf
                        Last edited by eye1der; 28-06-2009, 05:12 PM.


                        • a pointy cabbage, nearly a kilo of potatoes, peas and baby carrots.

                          all the veg for Sunday lunch.


                          • Enough petit pois for tea tonight.


                            • Spuds and French beans and lettuce. Fruit wise it was blackcurrants and raspberries and a couple of kilos of apricots (yesterday) which I made into jam this afternoon.
                              TonyF, Dordogne 24220


                              • Charlotte potatoes, pentland javalin potatoes (Grown in pots), good harvest enough for 4 meals for 6 of us, peas, peas and more peas. Lettuce, mange tout, strawberries and lots of sweetpeas.

                                oh and sun burn from the lottie

                                Updated 23rd February 2009


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