Two cucumbers and some shelly beans.
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Today I Mostly Harvested......
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The last of our spuds for storage
1/2 lb raspberries
1 white cabbage
4 kilo of ripe tomatoes
A couple of yellow courgettes and several male flowers for battering tonight!
1lb blackberries"Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
A small red cabbage head - looks very nice too
4 varieties of tomato (Roma, Maskota,Totem and Gardener's Delight)
4 varieties of chillis (Cayene Purple, Numax Twilight, Filus Blue and Thai Culinary)
2 x small courgettes and one monster! (over 5lb)
The last of the runner beans
The first of the French beans
A couple of French Breakfast radish Latest Blog Entries Friday 13 Mar 2015 - Sowing Update
A big pile of runners
A big pile of blue lake french beans
3 types of Kale (YUM)
Unexpected magically appearing Broad beans
Lots of toms
Courgemarrow (more marrow)While wearing your night clothes, plant cucumbers on the 1st May before the sun comes up, and they will not be attacked by bugs.
Yesterday...runners, frenchies ,broccoli, raspberries, blackberries , plums, apples and surprisingly broadies.....S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber
You can't beat a bit of garden porn
Thought I'd take a photo of todays harvest - radish, onions, courgettes, sprouts, runner beans, flowers, leeks, broccolli, potatoes, tomatos, raspberries. Chuffed that there's still so much growing at the end of September - just keeping my fingers crossed that the frost stays away until the squashes have ripened. Not in the photo is the harvest of cerinthe flower seeds - been a great year for them, and have gathered a couple of hundred viable seed (I spotted the seed parcel website yesterday, what a brilliant idea, am going to get in touch).Attached Files
Yesterday I picked all the green tomatoes (or so I thought - realised I missed a couple of bushes at the back), pulled up my carrot crop (much better than any previous year, but I could have left them a bit longer - was just in the mood to Get Things Done) and grabbed a load more runner beans for the freezer.Is there anything that isn't made better by half an hour pottering in the veg patch?
Yesterday I cleared a bed of Pentland Javelin early potatoes planted on August 4th with the hope of some chr***mas new potatoes but which blight had killed. Despite the tiny growing season I still harvested over twice what I planted and they had only cost me �1 from the garden centre clearance sale so I reckon they were a qualified success.
I also harvested some white cabbage and runner beans and had them with the new potatoes and some roast shoulder of lamb, followed by Joan J raspberry and Bramley apple crumble. Mmm.
Yesterday, I harvested another 4 courgettes, some big and little patty pan. 4 giant cucumbers from the poly tunnel...they just keep coming 😄. Another big handful of purple French beans. Oh and I pulled up and nibbled on two tasty carrots. There are quite a lot more to come, but I didn't want to pull them, as i wasn't planning on using them yet.
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