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Today I Mostly Harvested......


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  • the was meant to be a - think I'll stick to the gardening...


    • Peas, mangetout, potatoes.
      Spring onions and lettuce.


      • The last (Ithink) of my Broad beans, some petit pois and sugar snaps and some small but very tasty courgettes, both green and yellow. Lovely with tagliatelle in a cheese sauce.


        • picked 3.5pounds of cherries when they were stoned ,ended up making 1pound of jam also my first ever cucumber soooo sweet and a lettuce When do the tomatoes start to turn red loads on but all green cant wait much longer


          • mangetout, gooseberries, tomatoes, cherries, cucmumber and the first of the climbing french beans. Result!!


            • peas, lemon cucumber, beetroot, carrots, garlic, red onions silverskin, salad leaves and a couple of toms and a bowl of strawberrys, gosh i feel healthy x


              • My first courgettes and runner beans! The whole family had to admire them before they were cooked!


                • Yesterday, but I was too tired to go on the computer. Courgettes, broad beans, raspberries, redcurrants, blackcurrants and a strawberry


                  • If you want something diffrent to do with your Rhubarb go to the goodfood web page as there is a fantastic rhubarb spice cake on there. It yummy (might be a rhubard and custard one too)
                    My mind is a blank canvas waiting to be scribbled on!


                    • I harvested .. Some Vivaldi potatoes.
                      Think i was getting blight so didnt want potatoes to get it. They were quite a good size and very tasty.
                      My mind is a blank canvas waiting to be scribbled on!


                      • Iceberg lettuce - originally twelve but mowed down to six by slugs - but was lovely and crispy with a good sized heart. First I've ever managed other than CACA. Radishes, cauliflower, cabbage, peas, onions, strawberries and raspberries oh and two yellow courgettes.
                        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                        • 3 Kilo Pentland Javelin
                          2 Aubergines
                          1 Courgette
                          1 Kilo Broad Beans
                          Oh and seven eggs
                          Attached Files

                          Seek not to know all the answers, just to understand the questions.


                          • That's a fab pic DTC!

                            Yesterday I harvested the last of my Swift spuds, my first ever Dwarf French beans, and a few Runners (which I've grown before), and some more Peas. We are going away Caravanning next week, so I'm stocking up first!

                            Next year I'm going to grow hundreds of Pea plants - I struggle to get enough for a meal as I keep eating them raw!
                            All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                            Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                            • harvested one type of garlic unknown found to be very small
                              various types of shallots lots of them but very small
                              overwintered onions big pickled onion sized.
                              still i have lots more not ready so might be better when time to harvest these
                              a good put down line to use !

                              If having brains was a fatal disease, you would be the only survivor.


                              • Broad Beans
                                Ulster Chieftan Potatoes
                                Buttercrunch Lettuces
                                Spring Onions
                                Nestled somewhere in the Cambridgeshire Fens. Good soil, strong winds and 4 Giant Puffballs!
                                Always aim for the best result possible not the best possible result

                                Forever indebted to Potstubsdustbins


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