Came back from holls yesterday so harvested an absolute ton of veg: Cherry tomatoes, beetroot (2 types), turnips (2 types), broad beans, peas, french beans, carrots, PSB and a courgette. Lots & lots of each!
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Today I Mostly Harvested......
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The biggest harvest yet for us - around 2lb each of Anya and Pentland Javelin spuds (would have been more Javelin but for those pesky slugs....), a big bunch of beetroot, a big bunch of turnips, a dozen or so red onions, a good handful of spring onions, half a dozen garlic bulbs, 1lb-or-so shallots, 1lb-or-so gooseberries, four big, buttery lettuces and over 1lb broad beans.
Divvied them up between them, gave some veg to the father-in-law when we saw him this afternoon and had lovely, fresh tatties for tea. Beetroot's cooling off now after being boiled, and they and the shallots are being pickled for Christmas tomorrow.
Job's a good'unAttached FilesLast edited by avinabacca; 19-07-2009, 05:05 PM.
Lollo rosso lettuce, courgettes, garlic, cucumber (3 from the greenhouse - about 20 more coming so far!), raspberries, blueberries, 2nd early pots, more courgettes (have we all got a huge glut of courgettes, must make some courgette soup), turnips and red onions.
By the way, I've had 4 huge green peppers from the greenhouse, and now, on one of the plants there are black peppers growing which are even bigger and look slightly red. Are these going to be red peppers and, if so, do I leave them to go red on the plant, or do I pick them and let them go red?
Lots of broad beans, lightly boiled then tossed in butter.
Some carrot thinnings and a courgette, which I roasted with an onion.
We ate the above with new potatoes (homegrown by a friend) and little steaks from the butcher.My hopes are not always realized but I always hope (Ovid)
Originally posted by craftygirl24 View Post
By the way, I've had 4 huge green peppers from the greenhouse, and now, on one of the plants there are black peppers growing which are even bigger and look slightly red. Are these going to be red peppers and, if so, do I leave them to go red on the plant, or do I pick them and let them go red?
Leave them on the plant, they will go red
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