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Today I Mostly Harvested......


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  • Started this morning with about 6kg Redcurrants - destined for jelly tomorrow

    Later was salad potatoes, beetroot, ridge cucumbers ( picking every day now) and chives for tea

    Later still was potatoes, carrots, last of broad beans, french beans, gooseberries and blackcurrants for tomorrow

    Theres still kohl rabi and masses of spinach and the first leeks are about ready

    Living like kings at the moment


    • Yesterday I harvested some Nantes 2 carrots (mostly thinnings but a couple of good-sized ones) from my self-watering container. Tasted yummy with roast chicken. Would have done some more buckets of these if I'd known how nice they were going to be.

      Today I picked the first of our runner beans. Originally I tried growing them in our back garden but it's slug city out there and they got eaten. I ended up planting them in a barrel in our front garden!
      Attached Files
      Last edited by gardencat; 26-07-2009, 05:16 PM. Reason: added runner beans


      • I harvested 6 babybelle aubergines, 1 Kohlrabi and a few peas (and I mean few, lol).
        All updated in the blog. updated 10-03-2010 with homebrew pics & allotment pics


        • a massive cabbage.
          runner beans
          french beans
          2 courgettes
          some baby parsnips and carrots ( thinnings)

          wondering whether to pick my gooseberries.

          I haven;t bought lettuce for 6 weeks now.


          • This week I have harvested 4lb of duke of york tatties from a compost bag
            3lb of mixed peas and the last few broad beans as I cleared the legume bed.
            Yellow and green courgettes (two of each)
            1 large white patty pan. (not tried it yet so no idea how it will taste).
            Sungold toms. mmmm!
            Last edited by COMPOST CORNER; 26-07-2009, 03:15 PM. Reason: Forgot toms.


            • Yesterday - Runner beans, french beans, ridge cucumbers, tomatoes.

              Today - Tomatillo's, courgettes, garlic.

              Updated 23rd February 2009


              • Today we harvested the last of the 1st Earlies (Swift) and the delectable 2nd Earlies (British Queens), which make the most fabulous roast potatoes, cooked in goose fat�.oh yeah some French Beans (tender sweet) and our first Courgette!


                • Took the grandsons to the lottie and we picked runner beans, courgettes, broad beans and summer PSB. Youngest grandson also managed to eat quite a few of my neighbour's blackcurrants while we were talking.


                  • Picked some broad beans this morning. Waiting impatiently for my wee courgette to get big enough to eat!


                    • Friday afternoon (sorry I'm a bit late) I picked broad beans, dwarf french beans, all my shallots and onions, 1 pathetic courgette, 1 pathetic runner bean and a little bit of kale.


                      • new potatoes 1 cauli 3 corgetes dwarf french beans and 1 tomatoe all went with my home reared leg of pork for sunday dinner with yorkshire pud made with my chucks egg!! (dont get many so have to celebrate when we do) today i will be harvesting the rest of the caulis (8) and some broccoli to go in the freezer.


                        • Today I dug up two lots of spuds. I was only digging up one but I got all excited and dug up two. Its my first digging of the tatties in the garden itself. I got enough for at least 5 people . I also picked the last of my broad beans and some green beans and a few sticks of rhubarb. I found a huge courgette (on the verge of a marrow but not quite) when I got back from my holidays on Thursday so that is now chopped up with peppers, onions, chives and passata and is simmering in my slow cooker.

                          On Friday we had our very first home grown dinner. Tatties that my daughter had grown in a pot, with green beans and broadbeans, with a nice piece of gammon (ok I didnt grow that) and some home made parsley sauce using my own parsley too! It was THE most delicious meal I have eaten in a very very long time and we all felt very proud of our efforts.

                          Tonight I am eating a nice bit of steak with home grown green beans, broadbeans and tatties followed by home grown rhubarb made into a crumble.
                          My kids are at their dads tonight and its the first time I've gone to so much trouble to cook for one.

                          Tomorrow it will be my version of ratatouille (sp) with some more of my home grown spuds.
                          I love this grow your own lark.
                          I feel great!
                          from a warm and fuzzy feeling Row XXX
                          Its nice to be important but its more important to be nice


                          • My first ripe tomato of the year
                            Life is too short for drama & petty things!
                            So laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly!


                            • Nearly a pound and a half of spuds ( last of the earlies, I was just clearing up the bags and pots and these had grown from the last picking)

                              a cos lettuce, mint and fennel for a salad

                              and a huge handful of french beans


                              • Yesterday I picked gorgeous, tasty peas for dinner.

                                Plus enough broad beans to freeze two-meals-worth.
                                My hopes are not always realized but I always hope (Ovid)




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