My first ripe tomatoes from the unheated greenhouse - Sungold - delicious
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Today I Mostly Harvested......
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Harvested, and ate, my first home-grown broad beans. Come to think of it I can't remember eating broad beans for years, they were deliciousConsider the daffodil. And while you're doing that, I'll be over
here, looking through your stuff.
Picked some courgettes and made pickle, relish or chutney (I mixed up the recipe) - two large jars, probably nothing compared to what some grapes preserve, but it tastes delicious and hopefully a week or two will bring up the flavour more.
I picked some carrots as well, small but lovely for dinner.Last edited by maytreefrannie; 29-07-2009, 09:33 PM.My hopes are not always realized but I always hope (Ovid)
been away for a week so came home to find several marrow-style courgettes which will become soup and chutney soon.
Nice to not have to go shopping though as got a cauli from the polytunnel and some onions and courgettes so had cauli cheese and ratatouille for tea *drool*
Over the past few days I've "harvested" 12 sacks of grass and weed cuttings from the garden at my daughter's new house. Not edible, but I had to tell someone. She can't now tell people visiting to look for the house with two foot high lawns.
My MIL is has just had her veg patch re-done so hasn't been able to grow anything this season. She called & asked me for some veg, i went out into my patch & harvested: Onions, garlic, potatoes, turnips, French beans, courgettes, cucumber, PSB, chard & tomatoes. Two carrierbags worth, that should well & truely put me in the good booksLast edited by Newbie; 30-07-2009, 03:13 PM.
This week I have harvested some Kale which was in the way (delicious fried off in a bit of butter with salt and pepper), my 3 year old is picking and chopping herbs as I write, cucumbers and loads of lettuce. Still hoping for some Sun to ripen the toms!
DaveFantasy reminds us that the soul is sane but the universe is wild and full of marvels
More like what I'll be doing this weekend
Gonna be really busy this weekend and have to get up in four hours to go out and get the veg sorted for my remaining box customers, who will this week be getting some or all of the following in their boxes;
New Potatoes, round cabbage, calabrese, broad beans, kohl rabi, peas in pods, florence fennel, tomatoes, scallions, cucumber, chillies, courgettes, chard, milan turnips.
Then it's doorman duty tomorrow night, followed by no sleep asI have to sort veg for Farmers Market on Saturday, and my sis and her family are coming up this weekend on Saturday so probably very little sleep from now until after I finish as a doorman on Saturday night / Sunday morning.
Then on Sunday afternoon I'm gonna take my nephew over to the tunnel and have a good old sort out - been neglected a bit this last couple of weeks - it's been watered but little else in the way of weeding / maintenance / plant care.Rat
British by birth
Scottish by the Grace of God
OMG - been a couple of days since I managed to get to the lottie, and was expecting a few courgettes and a few beans. Actually ended up with:
8 x courgettes (varying from courgette to small marrow)
5 and a half pounds of runner beans
4 and a half pounds of overwintered red onions to dry and use
1 pound of mixed french, borlotta and broad beans
8 pounds of potatoes Vanessa (pink skins, supposed to be second early?)
12 Sungold tomatoes from the unheated greenhouse (about half of them made it to the kitchen)
Mixed salad leaves from the planter outside the back door for dinner tonight
Picked a few onions to go into a pasta dish - they were gorgeous, not dried, just with that lively just-picked onion smell and taste.My hopes are not always realized but I always hope (Ovid)
Smug Sunday dinner today.
Duke of York tatties
Marian swede
Safari french beans
Primo cabbage
And a couple of Florence red onions to add to the gravy.
Could have supplied the meat from the cockerel I culled yesterday but OH has issues!Still.............some pork chops + above, washed down with some homemade elderflower cordial will do just fine!
My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
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