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Today I Mostly Harvested......


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  • Yesterday my salad for my sandwichse at work was ALL picked that morning. Sungold and Tumbling toms, cucumber, Two sorts of pepper (pointed and Ox horn) red spring onion, yellow courgette and fresh basil.
    Lovely smug feeling to go with cheese butties.


    • Delicious Tomatoes

      Yesterday I picked my 3rd small bowl of Sungold, Garden Pearl, Tumbler. So that's about 1kg now. Not much in weight but in flavour -yes. Especially the Sungolds. Small but powerful ! I have my eye on the 1st Tigerella which is now nicely turning from green to 'tiger'!
      Loved that I was able to pass this bowl to my neighbours as a thank you for watering etc whilst I was on hols. Who knows they may prefer the wine and choc ! But the tomatoes are prettier !


      • The good and the green

        Today's harvest about 700g of tomatoes. Mainly cherry = Sungold, Tumbler, Garden Pearl and a few Gardeners Delight. Plus a couple of Tigerella and Darby Stripe.
        Also weighed the green tomatoes I have 'picked ' through broken stalks .1KG ! Not so good. Including my best looking Carbon at 200g . Have just read another good thread on tying up with tights as extra support so am off to rumage the sock drawer to rememdy this


        • Another couple of courgettes - these are going into Piglet Willie's excellent potato and courgette soup recipe.
          My hopes are not always realized but I always hope (Ovid)


          • 2lb tomatoes 5 corgetes 6 cauli (the last ones) 2 cabbages another 8 cucumbers lettuce big pan full baby beetroot that is going to be pickled


            • Some Maris Peer potatoes
              A handful (I have small hands) of climbing beans 'Cobra'
              A few beetroot 'Boston'
              A few carrots - my biggest EVER! Yes, really Neighbour was waving his huge ones over the wall at me () but then he also has carrot fly. So there.
              Attached Files


              • I harvested my beetroots.


                • Potatoes and spring onions to make a potato salad for a bbq tomorrow, I'll pick the salad tomorrow. Hope it stays fine or I'll be cooking in the rain again!


                  • More beans (2 lb runners, half lb borlottas, 12 oz french), 3 courgettes. Picked yesterday evening. A few blackberries off the wicked bramble that keeps attacking me on the way to the lottie.


                    • Loads of runners, 5 courgettes, a cucumber and loads of lovely ripe tomatoes.


                      • Did a sweep and caught
                        4 foot long chillis
                        2 more cucumbers [to go with the 8 in the fridge for pickling]
                        pound of yellow french beans
                        2 more courgettes
                        3 more croockneck squash
                        I lonely carrot
                        two handfuls of santa cherry plums


                        • Nice bunch of carrots, french beans (will have to freeze some) first runners, thought they would start cropping from the bottom up so didn't spot these half way up the plant! My second courgette, but spotted 2 embryo yellow one coming! A cos lettuce, my first ripe cheyenne chilli. And I have 1 tomato changing colour!
                          Mad Old Bat With Attitude.

                          I tried jogging, but I couldn't keep the ice in my glass.


                          • Nothing from the garden, but today I foraged for some blackberries in a patch of waste ground near where I live. There were loads of them...big, squishy and gorgeous. I managed to pick five Carte d'Or ice cream cartons full in under an hour. I've frozen most of them, and hope to find time on Monday to go back for more.


                            • HIya
                              I harvested potatoes, carrotts and onions yesterday. All I have to do now is figure out how to store them all. I have left some carrotts in the ground as there are plenty to be getting on with.


                              • I haven't gone harvesting yet, but I did use up some of the harvest from earlier in the week last night. I had friends over for dinner, and it was very easy because I had made a pot of courgette soup (8oz spuds, 1lb courgette, slightly less than 1.5 pts veg stock and an onion, seasoned with nutmeg and a couple of tablepsoons of lemon juice), and I roasted chicken breasts, old potatoes (which were in that truly yummy when roasted stage of oldness), and roasted veggies (peppers and mushrooms from shop, and red onions and courgettes from plot, with rosemary and thyme from the garden and some olive oil and balsamic vinegar).


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