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Today I Mostly Harvested......


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  • PSB, French Beans, Purple French Beans, Courgettes, Tomatoes, Chillis, Raspberries.
    keen but (slightly less) clueless


    • Cleared the sweet peppers from the greenhouse. The unripe ones are not going to come to much now. Most of them I chopped and froze but did throw a couple into some "glutney' I made this afternoon. It was a bit like huge furry Whittingstall's recipe but I always end up leaving something out or putting in something extra. Mine had a beetroot which made it a nice pink colour.


      • More chillies. The Joe's Long are ripening now, had loads of Cayenne, and some interesting ones from the Chilli Shake (mixed seeds). Plum tomatoes, runner beans, sweetcorn.


        • Boltardy beetroot - still going strong! Plnnaing on taking a beetroot/goats cheese salad to the office for tomorrow's lunch. Also one small green courgette which was pan fried in chilli to have with veggie lasagne for dinner.
          come visit a garden
          or read about mine


          • It's been a kind of rollercoaster this year, what with moving house mid-April, and having tried to grow and bring plantlets to our new home, and grow them all on to produce 'actual crops'. But Trousers and I are pretty 'chuffed' that we've managed to get a half-way 'decent harvest' with ANYTHING AT ALL, and it's kind of reminded me that we started growing from absolutely NUTHINK in the beginning, and just how much we've progressed.
            To that end, I am hugely proud to share with you that I picked 15 Autumn Bliss Raspberries today in my new Kitchen Garden.
            I also cut I head of Calabrese, and about 10 Mangetout pods.


            • today I harvested my broad leaves mustard.. around 1.1 Kg


              • For this weeks boxes I harvested potatoes, red cabbage, savoy cabbage, Chinese Cabbage, last of the Runner Beans, waxpod beans, courgettes, squash, broad beans, kohl rabi, chillies, tomatoes, cucumbers and aubergines.

                British by birth
                Scottish by the Grace of God



                • fenugreek(methi) were close to flowering, so I harvested it...


                  • Walked the dog down the lonnen and picked up about 5lbs of crab apples from two trees. After very strong winds overnight there's lots of fruit lying around and most of it has landed in grass or half-dead bracken so is not bruised. Some of the crabs will go in the next batch of cider and I'll have a go at crab apple jelly with the rest.


                    • Lucky you. SC.
                      I just spent a half hour picking up pears yesterdays wind knocked off, but they are all bruised and the ants and slugs have had a go at them too.
                      I did manage to get a carrier bag full from the trees though, so they are 'good' ones.

                      �If your knees aren't green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life.�

                      "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson

                      Charles Churchill : A dog will look up on you; a cat will look down on you; however, a pig will see you eye to eye and know it has found an equal


                      • half a dozen tomatoes and a handful or so of Rasps.
                        Last edited by Newbie; 04-10-2009, 05:46 PM.
                        keen but (slightly less) clueless


                        • I probably made the mistake of sowing some Purple Sprouting Broccoli that I didn't know what variety it was, and therefore had no idea that it was going to start providing us with Sprouting in October, when I was hoping for it in February....
                          When will Wellie ever learn my Friends? Doh!
                          However, I am still picking Autumn Raspberries to be proud of, and with the freezer full now, am considering making some Raspberry Voddie, and Raspberry Vinegar.

                          Do you ever get the feeling that you yet don't know it all?
                          Mmm... me too!
                          I'd hoped to pick Mangetout and said Sprouting for Trousers's dinner, because I'm doing a mini-me Venison Steak each, but it's way too dark outside now to pick the Mangetout or Sprouting, and I have no torch. BUT I did harvest every single little courgette mid-afternoon, which has given us ample veg for the steaks. with a few Naughty Chips (bad Wellie!)

                          I can feel a Garden Risotto coming on for tomorrow night's dinner already so soon!!!
                          Last edited by wellie; 04-10-2009, 08:45 PM. Reason: earlier forgotten harvest of courgettes


                          • - 2 carrier bags of Osprey baking potato (lush .. had four today already)
                            - 3 carrier bags of dried (kidney/haricot) beans
                            - fresh chard (for the guinea pigs)
                            - pumpkins ... lots of pumpkins
                            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                            • Potatoes - not tons, but enough; and loads of JA's. Also some black winter radish seeds from next door allotment.
                              I don't roll on Shabbos


                              • Tomatoes for lunch. Cooking apples, sage, runner beans and parsnips for dinner.
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