Courgettes, sugar snap peas, carrots, cauliflower. Dug up the first couple of Kestrel potato plants. First time I've grown them and very impressed with the crop and the taste.
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Today I Mostly Harvested......
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5 Cylindra Beetroot, a large bowl full of Peas and another large bowl full of French Beans, plus 5 sticks of Rhubarb. First pea & bean harvest of the yeat so very pleased with myself indeed. I'm thinking a pea & prawn risotto this weekend - yummy!
Some Kestrel potatoes for tomorrows dinner and a cauli for this evenings cauliflower cheese.Was munching raspberries, goosegogs and strawberries at the allotment!
My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
Diversify & prosper
just finished picking our bumper crop of blackcurrants - in the freezer awaiting jam making.
runner and french beans
more glasshouse cucumbers - at the beginning of the week we were thinking "nothing beats the taste of home-grown cucumber" By the end of week after cucumber every day in sandwiches and salads..... "oh goody more cucumber
Actually we have been very pleased with the cucs, we got the seeds on a whim and for the two plants grown, they have been ever so prolific, 4 or so big ones of each plant, and plently more to come. We can't believe teh rate at which they grow...seemimgly from an inch or so to 10-12 inches in a matter of days
GLast edited by Gurberly; 18-07-2010, 07:38 AM.I fear no beer
harvested the shallots and set them out to dry, first french beans (small handful), few chard leaves, small offenham cabbage, one urbikany tomatopjh75
We sow the seed, nature grows the seed, we eat the seed. (Neil, The Young Ones)
6 courgettes, 6 spring onions, garlic, sugar snap peas, 2 beetroot and the last of my broad beans.
I cooked the courgettes and spring onions in the oven with salt and pepper and olive oil and sprinkled over some cheese and crispy onions. Delicious.
I also roasted the beetroot with some garlic, salt pepper and olive oil and will be skinning and slicing it one its cooled and mixing it with my broad beans and sugar snap peas and having that to eat tomorrow.
A bit of a concoction but I reckon it will taste okIts nice to be important but its more important to be nice
My mum and her partner have been up this weekend and are leaving tomorrow, so as well as a couple of jars of strawberry jam, I picked the following for them to take home tomorrow - 1 cucumber, 2 Green Capsicums, 1 cauliflower, 2.5kg strawbs (grade one), 3 kg Red Duke of York, a handful of Jalapenos and 4 kg Rhubarb - oh yeah and a big bunch of scallions.Rat
British by birth
Scottish by the Grace of God
Some beetroot and dill for a risotto (yum)
Courgettes destined for courgette and coconut cake sandwiched together with some blackcurrant jam.
Lettuce, radish, and a few of the first of the french beans whilst wandering about looking for whatever is munching my mange tout!
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