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Today I Mostly Harvested......


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  • Oh Lord, nearly finished picking and preserving the plums - Now the apples are coming thick and fast. Huge cooking apples from the ancient tree in the garden.


    • Today I picked:
      A few onions
      2 large brandywine tomatoes
      2 small cucumbers

      Also a few carrots and parsnips for tomorrow.
      My hopes are not always realized but I always hope (Ovid)


      • Today I Mostly Harvested more Autumn Bliss Raspberries, and I only found time to do that in the early evening sunshine whilst the second cauldron of Herb Jelly was on the boil.... And I must, must, must harvest more SweetieCobs tomorrow before they get a tad tired.
        Do you ever look at a vegetable in your garden and just get a sense of what it's telling you? Or is that just me being 'Billy No Mates' once again (!), but I'm needing to find my trusty Sweetcorn Fritter recipe all of a sudden, and it's probably because the evenings are cooler, and I'm needing a little Comfort Food, me thinks......


        • Yesterday i havested Sweetcorn, Raspberries, 4 teeny tiny Pumpkins, a huge Courgette, the last Cucumber and a pan full of Tomatoes (cherry, plum & beef). Not bad me thinks.
          keen but (slightly less) clueless


          • Started to dig my Pink Fir Apples today,lovely ,tasty and better for leaving them later than I have in previous years.


            • Harvested 11 long sweet peppers from the greenhouse, loads of apache chillies, 2 marketmore cucumbers a carrier bag of courgettes, 7 small butternut squashes and 4 beetroots. Oh how yummy
              "He that but looketh on a plate of ham and eggs to lust after it hath already committed breakfast with it in his heart"


              • A handfull of runner beans (think these may be the last now as the sudden changes in weather have made them look none too happy), tomatoes, mixed salad leaves, three apples and two small pumpkin. My table looks very autumnal all of a sudden


                • Brinjals......and lemon....thats all..


                  • The last of the plums, and some more of the cooking apple windfalls - plenty more of them to come. Was going to get elderberries, but they're not properly ripe yet.


                    • few more apples, salad leaves and tomatoes (mix of green and red as if they aren't being knocked off by the heavy rain and wind they are being attacked by slugs, snails and other bugs!) Thinking I may bring in the last pumpkin tomorrow incase the pesky pests decide to turn their attentions to that instead of the tomatoes!


                      • - a dozen really big fat carrots (Autumn King?) with no fly damage (grown under voile)
                        - 200g raspberries (there were more, but spoiled by the rain)
                        - 3 Lemon Drop chillies & 12 green Jalapenos
                        - a dozen peas (unknown variety, sown direct in July)
                        - white patty pans
                        - a carrier bag of shelly beans (mostly Tiger Eye)
                        - a dozen Golden Gem toms from gh
                        Last edited by Two_Sheds; 02-10-2010, 06:20 PM.
                        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                        • Just over two kilos of rosehips, a few elderberries, and more cooking apples.


                          • One BNS ( got a split so won't keep) one kohl Rabi, One drumhead cabbage, four courgettes, one bulb fennel , a handful of runner beans and a handful of california wonder beans (for drying)
                            S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                            a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                            You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                            • Cleared both g/houses out and have two buckets each half full of tomatos (one ripe one unripe) about a dozen each of cucumbers and green peppers. Brought two greenpepper plants that still have flowers on in to the house to see if they may continue to fruit.
                              The cats' valet.


                              • My first parsnip of the season, fried in butter then roasted in honey - gorgeous. French beans, runner beans and luscious leeks all served up with a lovely roasted chicken and roast tatties.


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