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Today I Mostly Harvested......


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  • Divine Spaghetti Squash which was cooked this evening with meatloaf which included peppers and onions from the lottie ... nom nom nom
    Scarecrow: Come along, Dorothy. You don't want any of *those* apples.
    Apple Tree: Are you hinting my apples aren't what they ought to be?
    Scarecrow: Oh, no. It's just that she doesn't like little green worms!


    • OH knocked 5 fence posts in the ground and attached the gate, just need the rabbit wire now....

      harvested another 5 raspberries and a punnet of blackberries, all eaten at the time of harvest by my DS. updated 10-03-2010 with homebrew pics & allotment pics


      • Picked the last of my outdoor toms and made passata then put the half a dozen green ones that were left on the kitchen window sill to ripen.
        Location....East Midlands.


        • Blueberries

          Today it's been Blueberries.

          Nui = 310g
          Herbert = 290g

          Looks like I may get another two harvest from them.


          • Another corgette,last of the peas & last of the runners,Toms on window sill sunbathing gro-bag & plants in compost bin
            He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

            Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


            • Too many tomato's


              • Lettuce, tomatoes. sweet pepper the last of the spring onions and a cucumber for tea tonight.
                Location....East Midlands.


                • Half a large trug full of Pink Fir Apple potatoes (from 10 wilkinson seed spuds for �1.98), Rasps, red cabbage & PSB.
                  keen but (slightly less) clueless


                  • Four courgettes, one yellow scallop squash, one cucumber a handful of runners and..........more bl@ddy gherkins
                    S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                    a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                    You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                    • 3 carrier bags of shelly beans, 1 Uchiki Kuri, 1 BNS, 2 large courgettes, lettuce, lots of carrots, kale
                      Last edited by Two_Sheds; 12-10-2010, 08:21 AM.
                      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                      • a washing up bowl of spuds , some more beans and 2 little gem squash.
                        Take photographs today because tommorow you might not have

                        Together everyone achieves more


                        • Runners, BNS and a courgette and definately the last gherkins (I know they've the last cos I've now pulled the plants out ) ooh and a cabbage
                          Last edited by binley100; 10-10-2010, 08:56 PM.
                          S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                          a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                          You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                          • A marrow (well, actually the last courgette, but it's too big to be called a courgette!), one white carrot and a whole load of weeeeeeds!


                            • The last of the borlotti beans and some tomatoes for Tractor's Boy's excellent soup.

                              Tomorrow, I'll make the chocolate courgette cake again. We can't get enough of it. Try it if you haven't yet, its delish!!!


                              • Carrots,turnips,swede,leeks,tatties,shallots! A pound of diced beef from shop and a couple of Oxo's and thats supper sorted............stew!
                                My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                                to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                                Diversify & prosper


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