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Today I Mostly Harvested......


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  • Are we all finding it a tad 'parky' now if truth be known?
    A little bit of an extra Jumpy now and then, maybe a pair of Fingerless Gloves appearing out of the back of the drawer? A Fleece with a Body-Warmer on top, but not quite ready for the whole Thermal Knickers and Vest yet?
    I know, it's quite frightening how the seasons creep up on us, but it is gorgeous now to cozy-on-down into your kitchen, and, each and every one of us are cooking and preserving so many differennt things.
    I hope you are as proud of what you've grown this year, as I am.
    Do continue to research recipes here on The Grapevine for what you've grown, becauses there's a HUGE recipe file of gorgeous stuff to just 'dip into', at your own leisure, that'll compliment, inspire or preserve your produce, whether it''s a delicate Rose Petal, or a sodding great cauli.
    So.... I'm kind of leaving all the baby beetroots, mini-calabrese and stuff that doesn't need a 'wet nurse'? and, I'm giving my hundred percent to the Autumn Bliss Rasperries for my daily harvesting still, because unless you pick'em'they go mouldy. And therefore, every dry day that you have, you can harvest to your hearts' content, and chuck 'em in the freezer. If they're too ripe to make jam with, make a cordial instead.
    I can't begin to tell you how much I've learned since I started, and if I can pass on any knowledge that I learn along the way, it makes it more enjoyable for me..


    • Originally posted by wellie View Post
      I can't begin to tell you how much I've learned since I started, and if I can pass on any knowledge that I learn along the way, it makes it more enjoyable for me..
      Nice to see you posting Wellie, you are always entertaining and cheerful
      I am mostly harvesting sprouted beans (lentils & aduki) because I only get up the sopping wet lotty once a week now
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
        Nice to see you posting Wellie, you are always entertaining and cheerful
        Hear hear Wellie, you have a very eloquent turn of phrase. It�s always a joy to read your posts.

        ps, nothing harvested today, going out for Fish'n'Chips instead

        I fear no beer


        • Picked and juiced a bucket full of Worcester Pearmain apples, left 1 litre in the fridge and froze the other 2
          Location....East Midlands.


          • lettuce, mint, corriander,parsley,chives all for my dinner from the back garden.....

            wow this is why i have taken to this GYO lark !!!

            3 months ago i would have had to go to tesco in the car for all that!!
            May the road rise to meet you,
            May the wind be always at your back,
            May the sun shine warm upon your face,
            The rains fall soft upon your fields and,
            Until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand


            • ..and don't forget the slugs
              S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
              a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

              You can't beat a bit of garden porn


              • Originally posted by binley100 View Post
                ..and don't forget the slugs
                oh and the slugs!!!!

                well not quite harvested more squashed
                May the road rise to meet you,
                May the wind be always at your back,
                May the sun shine warm upon your face,
                The rains fall soft upon your fields and,
                Until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand


                • Cooking apples from a friends tree,tried out the new telescopic gonna be making loads of chutney next week.big jar to young Melanie as a swap for the apples
                  He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

                  Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


                  • My last greenhouse cucumber then the last cayenne peppers from the garden.
                    Thought I'd better before the frost gets them both.
                    Location....East Midlands.


                    • Parsnips & the last cucumber
                      He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

                      Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


                      • 47 lbs of apples today. Some have gone into storage, others will be used for cider and I swapped a bagful with a neighbour who makes nice apple pies

                        Also picked a small tub of rasps which I've used with apples, strawbs and plums to make a mixed-fruit jam. That really is it for jam this year as the cupboard door won't close now because of all the jars.

                        Frosts forecast for this coming week so I guess that will finish off the frenchies and runners. Luckily I've got loads in the freezer for the coming months.


                        • Too many carrots. I dug half the bed, and filled 2 carrier bags. Nowhere to store them, freezer is full.
                          Also brought home the last carrier bag full of shelly beans, about 20 miniature gourds, a dozen baby BNS and the same number of full size Uchiki Kuri

                          nearly a kilo of raspberries (they just keep coming)

                          Last edited by Two_Sheds; 26-10-2010, 08:05 AM.
                          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                          • Picked the last of the Golden Delicious apples today, just under 8 kilos.
                            Not as good as last year's crop and I have noticed that all my earlier fruit and veg that I have been having a bumper year, but anything ready after August has been down on previous years.
                            I put it down to the lack of sunshine this year. Never known it to be so cloudy.

                            Beetroot still look like radishes?


                            • Salsify

                              Dug up 6 salsify for the first ever time. Mrs Iron cooked them with a recipe from the Hugh Fernley Whittingstall programmw on sunday evening. Fantastic


                              • another 8lb or so of carrots, that's the last of them. Some fantastic Purple Haze in there, I might try saving some for seed just to see what comes out

                                2lb forgotten spuds - really good condition too, no scab (grown in leafmould and MPC)

                                another couple of gourds & baby butternuts hiding under the sweetcorn stalks

                                4 ripe Lemon Drop chillies from indoors
                                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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