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Does using a raised bed mean..


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  • #16
    I plant closer than seed packet suggests, harvest alternate so you have baby veg and leave others to mature, works well for carrots and beetroot, dont forget while other crops are maturing you can grow others in between them, raddish spring onions etc, experiment , i always think thats the best way i am growing peas in big container and have a lot in there, other container has less just going to see what happens so next year i'll know if it works out ok and crop dont suffer then i'll do it again. For me thats the fun of it.


    • #17
      I too plant closely in raised beds- carrot rows 6" apart...and just sprinkled quite thickly within each row.
      I agree I plant fairly intensively- but I'd rather pick smaller sweeter beetroot and carrots than grow huge ones.
      I also thin out by cropping the smaller veg- esp lettuce!

      For larger plants - such as cabbage/french beans/sweetcorn I plant in a domino effect .
      I also plant fairly close to the edge so the roots can use the nutrients and moisture from under the paths.

      You've just got to watch out for bugs and fungal infections when you plant more intensively- and remove any debris.

      In my mind a bed can't be more than 4ft wide- cos I just can't reach the middle to weed/crop if it's any wider
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • #18
        I used raised beds 1m square for the first time last year, planted quite closely and as the others have said thinned for baby veg and left others to grow larger. The bedsa re filled with compost and soil so harvesting/thinning is easier. I had the best crops I have had in this garden, last year was the 11th year here. First year i have had succesful chard or carrots from this garden


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