Well, at long last I have somewhere to stay out in the boondocks when my current tenancy finishes at the end of July, and it has a garden. With en suite rabbits nipping through the picket fence, and I daresay the odd roe deer visiting at night.
Any ideas what these darling little furry fellows don't eat, other than potatoes ?
Will broad beans be safe ? (
I can guess the answer !) How about the salsify and scorzonera, or parsnips I am so keen to sow ? Cabbages ? And I thought slugs were bad !
I get the feeling this is going to be another of those "get some netting" threads...
On the plus side, every veggie eaten by the local waskally wabbits will be another little bit of meat for the casserole pot....!
Any ideas what these darling little furry fellows don't eat, other than potatoes ?
Will broad beans be safe ? (

I get the feeling this is going to be another of those "get some netting" threads...

On the plus side, every veggie eaten by the local waskally wabbits will be another little bit of meat for the casserole pot....!
