Hello all
First post here and also first time growing pumpkins and I AM HOOKED!
Planted seeds from a supermarket pumpkin that must be 6 years old now and nearly every seed came up, had so many had to give them away.
Now I have 5 pumpkins on 5 plants in various sizes.
Have spent hours reading pretty much everything I can but most is of a US bias and their seasons are different than ours so am looking for some UK based growers to maybe answer some of my questions?
I germinated the seeds between March and June, when they sprouted, they got planted. Have read that these are vine plants and like a lot of room, mine don't seem to be that big, almost bushy, but the fruits are doing fine, however, some of the plants I have given away are now taking over their new home but have yet to bear fruit. Mine have one fruit per plant.
Have also read that flowers should be pollinated by July 20th? Is this right? Can a pumpkin of a decent size be grown after this date? (I think this was on a US site).
I hand pollinated the flowers, had more success with leaving the male in the female flower (or maybe the bees sneaked in when I wasn't looking) which may help someone else.
I planted them just for a laugh really, but as I said, am really hooked and will be growing a giant one next year, of which there is plenty written about.
How are everyone elses doing?
First post here and also first time growing pumpkins and I AM HOOKED!
Planted seeds from a supermarket pumpkin that must be 6 years old now and nearly every seed came up, had so many had to give them away.
Now I have 5 pumpkins on 5 plants in various sizes.
Have spent hours reading pretty much everything I can but most is of a US bias and their seasons are different than ours so am looking for some UK based growers to maybe answer some of my questions?
I germinated the seeds between March and June, when they sprouted, they got planted. Have read that these are vine plants and like a lot of room, mine don't seem to be that big, almost bushy, but the fruits are doing fine, however, some of the plants I have given away are now taking over their new home but have yet to bear fruit. Mine have one fruit per plant.
Have also read that flowers should be pollinated by July 20th? Is this right? Can a pumpkin of a decent size be grown after this date? (I think this was on a US site).
I hand pollinated the flowers, had more success with leaving the male in the female flower (or maybe the bees sneaked in when I wasn't looking) which may help someone else.
I planted them just for a laugh really, but as I said, am really hooked and will be growing a giant one next year, of which there is plenty written about.
How are everyone elses doing?