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Growing Outside Toms in the North


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  • #16
    Im in North Yorks, near the end of the A66, so quite north for England. No problem with warmth for ripening, its the wind that does for 'em ere ! Tried plastic framed tomato houses last year, they all got smashed to bits. Didnt bother with toms this year even though we love them, we are saving up for a proper greenhouse next year - anyone know the best greenhouse/polytunnel for coping with gale force sidewinds AND footballs ?!
    odd notes about our kitchen garden project:


    • #17
      Originally posted by Alice View Post
      My tomatoes are outside now Amanda and covered in big green fruit. They are Red Alert and Sub Arctic plenty. Tigerella, Ilde and Red Cherry are just starting to set fruit. They were planted later. I'll post a piccy later. I think you saw my tomatoes from last year.

      I grow them against the south wall of the house which gets very hot.
      I'm not too far from you so I think with care you should manage.
      Wow! It thought it was still too cold to put toms yet up here, mine are still all indoors, some just getting flower buds now. It's been quite windy here recently though, that's probably worse than the cold. I should probably start hardening them off now ready to go out in a week or so.


      • #18
        Jenegade, those toms are so far on because I planted them on 28/12 in the moon planting experiment. They did so well and got so big I had to put them out as I was running out of space. It doesn't seem to have done them any harm.

        From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


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