Hi, I have confused myself with brassica rotation, specifically how to fit in both overwintering / spring cabbages and normal / summer cabbage, caulis etc whilst making good use of space ....
I have a 5 bed rotation plan, legumes followed by brassicas, then squash, then roots then spuds
All books say dont grow brassicas in same place 2 years running but the options i have been able to work out seem to suggest I should do that. The three options I have woked out are ....
1 plant half of brassica bed with summer brassicas and plan up rest of bed later in year with sping brassicas (no dual growing but wasted space)
2 plant up all brassica bed with summer brassicas and as I harvest them plant spring ones (double cropping but 2 sets of brassicas grown)
3 follow legumes with spring brassicas and then plant summer brassicas once these have been harvested (again double cropping but 2 sets of brassicas grown)
Question: How do other people deal with this (or am I just a greedy grower!!)
I have a 5 bed rotation plan, legumes followed by brassicas, then squash, then roots then spuds
All books say dont grow brassicas in same place 2 years running but the options i have been able to work out seem to suggest I should do that. The three options I have woked out are ....
1 plant half of brassica bed with summer brassicas and plan up rest of bed later in year with sping brassicas (no dual growing but wasted space)
2 plant up all brassica bed with summer brassicas and as I harvest them plant spring ones (double cropping but 2 sets of brassicas grown)
3 follow legumes with spring brassicas and then plant summer brassicas once these have been harvested (again double cropping but 2 sets of brassicas grown)
Question: How do other people deal with this (or am I just a greedy grower!!)