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Storing potatoes to plant next year


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  • Storing potatoes to plant next year

    I am wanting to keep some potatoes for planting next year from crops I grew this year. I only want to grow about 20 but I want 4 different varieties so most of the catogue option of buying 20 of each are not for me. At the moment I have theme stored in compost in flower pots in the unheated greenhouse. If I keep them like this will they be okay for replanting in Feb/March time?

  • #2
    I'm not sure Amanda, I think they may start growing now if they're in compost. Normally I think you should put them in the fridge for a month or so & then bring them out & start chitting them before planting out. Maybe if you put them in the fridge now they would be O.K. till January then you could take them out & chit them until planting in March? Or possibly just put them in a potato sack or paper bag somewhere cold like a garage or your greenhouse for now without any compost.
    Into every life a little rain must fall.


    • #3
      Thanks Sue, I will clean them up and put them in the fridge


      • #4
        I would not keep them in the greenhouse, although unheated they will still be affected by fluctuations in temperature. Like you I have my potatoes stored in dry compost but they are in a garden storage box kept in the garage and so far the have not started shooting but then again I must check to make sure.


        • #5
          Hi Amanda,

          They need to be somewhere very cool and dry to store until next spring.

          Dwell simply ~ love richly


          • #6
            Originally posted by Amanda1 View Post
            I am wanting to keep some potatoes for planting next year from crops I grew this year. I only want to grow about 20 but I want 4 different varieties so most of the catogue option of buying 20 of each are not for me. At the moment I have theme stored in compost in flower pots in the unheated greenhouse. If I keep them like this will they be okay for replanting in Feb/March time?
            The only problem with using this years tatties rather than ones grown from seed is that , I've found the yeild is quite a bit lower.


            • #7
              Hi Amanda1

              Have you thought about popping along to one of the potato days. I'm not sure which is the nearest one to you. Can't remember which one the link is on either. Need red wine to stimulate grey matter and stave off memory loss.
              Bright Blessings

              If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.


              • #8
                Found it - the link should be on this thread.


                Hope there is one near enough to you.
                Bright Blessings

                If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.


                • #9
                  Thank you for all your help. I have decided to order the refill potatoes which Dobies offer (5 each of 3 varieties). These are only earlies and salad types though so I think I will try and plant my King Edwards from this year to see how it goes. Thanks to everyone again!


                  • #10
                    best way to save potatos

                    wooden boxes filled with sand in a cool place hope this helps


                    • #11
                      Really kind of you to try and help with your first post

                      But Amanda asked the question 6 years ago


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