Myself & boyfriend are first time growers of anything & thought we were doing quite well with our raised bed BUT our beetroot seem to be having a problem all of a sudden... their leaves are getting yellowy soggy bits on their leaves... does anyone know what this could be? Ill try & add a pic to help.
Oh & does anyone know whats wrong with their garden buddies the marketmore cucumber? they seem to be going funny as well & have stopped growing height wise.... pic added as well....
Any advice would be appreciated.
Myself & boyfriend are first time growers of anything & thought we were doing quite well with our raised bed BUT our beetroot seem to be having a problem all of a sudden... their leaves are getting yellowy soggy bits on their leaves... does anyone know what this could be? Ill try & add a pic to help.
Oh & does anyone know whats wrong with their garden buddies the marketmore cucumber? they seem to be going funny as well & have stopped growing height wise.... pic added as well....
Any advice would be appreciated.