hello all, isn't the sunshine great 
has anyone grown or is growing these toms?
I have a few and they all seem to be doing the same thing. Each one has a tomato which is not on a truss but coming from the main stem, this is growing well and is getting big. I am getting flowers at the top of the plantlooking like a usual truss but none of them appear to be taking. Maybe its a bit early to be concerned and they will take as fruit soon but I am worried that this single tomato is taking everything and stopping the others.
I have read on the forum a similar theory about peppers which is why I am asking. All my other toms are doing well and have multiple fruits and lots of flowers.
This is my first year growing tomatoes so not sure what to expect, just watering an dfeeding and seeing what happens. I will feel a bit cheated if I put all my effort into these plants for 1 tomato, especially when we can't blame the weather!
Thanks for any advice you all may have

has anyone grown or is growing these toms?
I have a few and they all seem to be doing the same thing. Each one has a tomato which is not on a truss but coming from the main stem, this is growing well and is getting big. I am getting flowers at the top of the plantlooking like a usual truss but none of them appear to be taking. Maybe its a bit early to be concerned and they will take as fruit soon but I am worried that this single tomato is taking everything and stopping the others.
I have read on the forum a similar theory about peppers which is why I am asking. All my other toms are doing well and have multiple fruits and lots of flowers.
This is my first year growing tomatoes so not sure what to expect, just watering an dfeeding and seeing what happens. I will feel a bit cheated if I put all my effort into these plants for 1 tomato, especially when we can't blame the weather!
Thanks for any advice you all may have