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Black Russian toms


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  • #16
    I'm also growing black russians which are doing well. I'll have to inspect for mutant toms. Definitely have some that fit that description on one of my tamina's though. Will try and take some pics and post them later once it stops raining


    • #17
      I didn't actually find Black Russian's taste worth the growing. Only grew it once. I grow Brandywine as a beefsteak.
      Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


      • #18
        Originally posted by Flummery View Post
        I didn't actually find Black Russian's taste worth the growing. Only grew it once. I grow Brandywine as a beefsteak.
        I was donated a few seeds by a friend so thought I'd give them a go as I've never tried them


        • #19
          This is my first year growing tomatoes and have had more sucess with seeds than I expected hence have more plants than expected....just ploughing on and seeing what happens and hoping I don't run out of space with my ever expanding plants!

          I picked Black Russian becuase it sounded good from on-line reports and have no idea what to expect really. Having heard not so good reports on this forum I am wondering if they are actually worth the effort, especially when they are not fruiting(maybe I am being too impatient!)

          Anyway I will see them thorugh to the end and then decide if they are worth the bother.... will probably be looking for a recommendation to try next year so Brandywine is now noted Thanks !

          I have pulled off rogue growths on a couple of plants so will see what happens. looking more closely at some others they were actually a tomato, so have left well alone, but they were the only one to take on a vine of about 8, those plants have more flowers so I will see what happens with them too

          Does the extreme heat and full sun we have been having stop the flowers fruiting, looking at some flowers they have just gone brown and died?

          We definitley have bees as I watch them buzzing around the flowers

          hopefully my next posts will be to tell you I have lots of fruits ... well more than one would be good

          Thanks for all the advice, I really appreciate all the help I have had from this forum
          Cheers Helen


          • #20
            If you'd like a few Brandywine seeds to try next year send me a pm with your address Helen. Incidentally, being experienced in tomato growing doesn't prevent you from sowing too many seeds! I do it every year. Just in case. Belt and braces, you know the sort of thing?
            Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

   Updated March 9th - Spring


            • #21
              Thanks thats very kind of you , I will do that.

              I expect I too will do the same next year.. and the year after !



              • #22
                Here's a pick of the state of my costeluto fiorentino. You can see how I cut the leaves off to the lowest truss. They've got a bit of a way to go

                Here's a pick of them (on the left) in the greenhouse. Massive plants!

                Last edited by Jerryfb; 03-07-2009, 05:48 PM.
                Cider, Vegetables and Sussex sustainability blogged at


                • #23
                  My Brandywine are at a similar stage - the first one is ripening! And last weekend I removed all lower leaves on plants which had set fruits. I do sow these beefsteaks a month earlier than my other toms though, as I find they need a longer season.
                  Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

         Updated March 9th - Spring


                  • #24
                    I am in a different situation I was given some beefsteak tomatoes one is so big and has been for weeks but no sign of turning red, not down to me the plant was given to me by a ex commerical grower who is 80 years old , plant is in tunnel.



                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Jerryfb View Post
                      Here's a pick of them (on the left) in the greenhouse. Massive plants!
                      How big is that greenhouse!?!
                      I think I have a bad case of greenhouse envy!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Incy View Post
                        How big is that greenhouse!?!
                        I think I have a bad case of greenhouse envy!
                        It's a 20foot rhino. Courtesy of my late great aunt Agnes.
                        Cider, Vegetables and Sussex sustainability blogged at


                        • #27
                          origan grapes

                          As anyone ever grown these for food?
                          And how did you use them?


                          • #28
                            Here is an update on my Black Russian Toms.

                            All plants are now producing more fruit

                            Maybe now that the extreme heat has passed they are happier!

                            The first fruits are huge but not ripening yet, again I think I have to have a little more patience



                            • #29
                              can i just bring this topic back please....

                              i've read this and think i have the same issue....i brought one plant from the GC(lured by the name and that it said it was a heritage tom!), and it has gone on to develop one tomato on it....its definately not twisted or anything mentioned above, yet its the only one and the only flower i saw on the plant died and fell off above this one tomato.
                              i'm reluctant to pull it off in hope for more toms(if its not to late to do that), so my question is, can i continue to grow this one tomato for seed for next year?....will the seed be viable?
                              Finding Home


                              • #30
                                I reckon you will be OK Kiwirach. Last year I tried to grow a white tomato from bought seed. The result was very poor. 2 plants and 5 toms total. So, as this was also a heritage and not an f1 I let one fruit get very ripe and then cleaned out the seeds, making sure that all the juice round them was removed and then dried them. Because of space shortage (a complaint most gardeners have in the greenhouse) and not being too optimistic, I only kept one vine. The picture (below) shows one of the 5 trusses which is so heavy it has dragged down to the ground. I reckon the 25 fruits must weigh 7 or 8 pounds (no, together, not singly ). And the other trusses are nearly as good. So, I would go for it, what have you to lose?

                                The other picture is off topic slightly but is my first (picked today ) Crystal lemon/apple cuc of the year, also grown from my own seed taken by letting a very late cuc last year get super-ripe and doing the same thing.
                                Attached Files
                                Why didn't Noah just swat those 2 greenflies?

                                Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?
                                >If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?


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