I've got mine planted in a raised bed, and I've put my mini plastic greenhouse (4ft tall) with no shelves in, over the top to try to give it warmer conditions. Its not very big yet and I haven't seen any flowers, but my fingers are crossed.
No announcement yet.
How're your Aubergines doing ?
hmmmm mine arent growing very well but seem happy. ive planted ophelia which is apparently a dwarf "patio" aubergine but im wondering if ive got too many in the pot so they havent got the room to grow more? could spreading them out help them? oh & im another one with aubergine envyLast edited by kerryp; 10-07-2009, 10:07 AM.
Yet again I have three plants in the greenhouse in 12" pots.
They are about 2 foot high.
But as I have never had any over the years I don't have much hope this year.
Still they are normally dead by now so that's promising.
JimmyExpect the worst in life and you will probably have under estimated!
hi i'm a first time grower of aubergines, growing 1 plant in a container in a polytunnel. the plant is very bushy, has 3 fruits and loads more flowers. Should i pinch out the top flowers or leave well alone and how many fruits should i let grow??
my aubergines are verging on pathetic, been sitting on a sunny windowsill for the last 2 months and seem to be growing about 1mm per day. very strange as all their companions (chillis, squash, pumpkin) grew like mad and are happily sitting outside producing lots of lovely flowers
I have aubergine envy, I try every year but with no success. Last year I just didn't give them enough room to grow but because of other plants couldn't give them any more. This year I have allowed a good space for them, I have 6 plants in the green house which are good strong looking plants and there are a few flowers starting to show and then I have about 12 plants outside some doing all right others pathetic. Will just have to be patient and see at the end of summer how successful I have been.
Major envy going on here. Mine look pretty good but no fruit yet. Have brought them inside for the extra warmth and am tapping the flowers to help pollination. Fingers crossed. If they don't work this year then they no longer get the space. Fed up of failing at them!
Mine are in the conservatory and seem to enjoy the extra heat. I was worried at first about flowers dying and dropping off and no visible fruit, but all of a sudden there were little fruits gleaming between the leaves when I looked. You have to look, they don't advertise their cleverness! These are small ones, dark purple, and grow to about 40 - 60G. I was given good advice and spend some time most days tickling the flowers with a paint brush. Don't give up, tickle away and give them more heat if you can. The Grapes on here know a thing or two!
I hand pollinate mine I use my little finger rather than a paintbrush (there has to be a joke there!)but look at the flowers, they are usually set in threes.
One has a slightly thicker stalk than the other two, which are usually set above. Pinch out these two as they will fall off anyway.
The plant will then concentrate on the fruiting flowers, pick when a decent size, ie not too big, and you will get more fruit.
Mine were great in a veggie mousaka tonight
I give up..............
All mine are about 6" and have been for ever, they are outside though so that's probably why (no greenhouse and a conservatory thats red spider mite infested)Hayley B
John Wayne's daughter, Marisa Wayne, will be competing with my Other Half, in the Macmillan 4x4 Challenge (in its 10th year) in March 2011, all sponsorship money goes to Macmillan Cancer Support, please sponsor them at http://www.justgiving.com/Mac4x4TeamDuke'
An Egg is for breakfast, a chook is for life
Can grow nice healthy plants with loads of flowers but always have problems with pollination. This year am tryig them in the conservatory rather than the greenhouse but no luck so far, all the flowers (even after finger intervention!) are falling off.
Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.
Which one are you and is it how you want to be?
First go this year. They are in a plastic greenhouse with the cucumbers which is fairly humid, which both plants seem to like .
Have got 3 flowers so far and have been prodding them with paintbrushes so I'm keeping my fingers crossed something will happen, but not holding my breath. I will be utterly delighted if I do get something resembling an aubergine.
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