I have four raised beds 1m square and have been growing potatoes in bags and Flower buckets. I want to make the most of the space and so am now thinking about what to plant next
Cabbages and peas are nearly finished now, as are the early potatoes.
So I have a 1m row in a bed with broccoli, chard and cauliflower
and about a third of a bed with french beans still merrily cropping either side.
The potatoes have been harvested by tipping the contents into a wheelbarrow, so I have about half a barrow full of compost.
Any ideas?
I would like to grow some more carrots, thought maybe using the buckets for those --OK after potatoes?
Should I add any oomph to the compost (eg chicken poo pellets or blood fish and bone)
also PSB..could that go in where the peas were?
I'm already stuffing in lettuces (from thinning salad leaves row) in every nook and crannnie.
Cabbages and peas are nearly finished now, as are the early potatoes.
So I have a 1m row in a bed with broccoli, chard and cauliflower
and about a third of a bed with french beans still merrily cropping either side.
The potatoes have been harvested by tipping the contents into a wheelbarrow, so I have about half a barrow full of compost.
Any ideas?
I would like to grow some more carrots, thought maybe using the buckets for those --OK after potatoes?
Should I add any oomph to the compost (eg chicken poo pellets or blood fish and bone)
also PSB..could that go in where the peas were?
I'm already stuffing in lettuces (from thinning salad leaves row) in every nook and crannnie.