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  • #16
    Already have my leeks and PSB planted so second earlies have been followed by a variety of winter radish, turnip, mooli and kohl rabi.
    Still some space left for overwintering rocket and land cress


    • #17
      Originally posted by bluemoon View Post
      I normally sow a tray of leeks on the day I put the first earlies in, it means they're ready at exactly the right time. .
      i really like this tip, thank you. i'm going to write it down for next year.
      Finding Home


      • #18
        OK. OK. Thats brilliant. It's going to be Spring Cabbage in one bed and some late Climbing Beans in the other. Thanks to all.


        • #19
          Originally posted by bluemoon View Post
          ...4 course rotation which is legumes followed by brassicas followed by potatoes followed by roots (largely alliums)...
          so, you put your leeks after your potatoes this season, but then where do next year's onions go? in the same bed as the leeks at the same time? or leeks from potato harvesting time then over winter with some space left over for onions to go in next spring? or a full bed of leeks followed by full bed of onions? does that make sense?

          In five beds I do
          - potatoes(followed by sweetcorn and squash in same year)
          - brassicas
          - other stuff (this year courgettes and aubergines)
          - beans
          - alliums (onions, shallots, garlic)
          - potatoes again.

          I fill gaps and odd spaces with pumpkins, more courgettes, lettuce, and flowers and whatnot that aren't in proper rotation groups like the "other stuff" bed. I know I'm cheatig with the aubergines but there was nowhere else to put them.

          So if I do leeks after potatoes then next spring would have to make space in leek bed for onions which I thought not right or less space for for each of leeks and onions by doign half a bed of each or something


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