Sooo, given that it looks like doom and gloom has hit us in the form of permanent rainclouds, are there any particular crops that folks are planning on growing next year assuming the BBQ summer goes the same way as the last three? At this rate I reckon I'll be relying on a Lot of beans and chard...
No announcement yet.
What grows well in this weather!?
My french beans are flourishing, as are my weeds.
My blight-resistant potatoes (Sarpo) are going great guns, providing the potatoes themselves are edible (not ready for harvest yet) I'll be investing in those again next year. The white onions are all a decent size, peas did great and aren't quite finished yet. The iceberg lettuces have done well, although the loose leaf ones have been munched. The celery is looking happy, they like moist soil...
Don't think we've had that quantity of rain and everything has done well but if you're looking for something to enjoy loads of water try celeriac. I throw a can of water over it every day whether it's rained or not.
From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
LOL, I rather like this weather (it rained continuously for 10 hours here today!) as apart from toms in the greenhouse it saves on endless watering. I also put all the house plants out in it - still out there, it's their night in the wilds... - so they get their annual wash. It's a bit ironic that most veg (and weeds) seem to love warm damp even if we don't think it's very Mediterranean The only thing that seems to have suffered is the BBQ which last time I looked was full of waterIf this continues might get a pet duck. Or a seal... b.
The spring here was very dry so the spring planted onion sets have struggled. Latterly it has not been too hot and the occasional rain shower has encouraged strong healthy growth from less stressed plants so productivity is very good. Like Sarswix the Sarpo Mira spuds are going great guns and the courgettes have been the best I can remember. I don't see this as a doom and gloom scenario - so more cloud and rain please.
Beans & courgettes here too.
The spring onions (started in modules) have been my best ever
Spuds have been small, but plentiful
Carrots .. very good, should've sown more
Celeriac ... looking great, about 20 plants.
Parsnips so-so ... the early sowings are doing well, the later ones haven't come up at all
Sweetcorn ... very tall, looking promising
Pumpkins ... sprawling everywhere, only baby fruits yet, they have a way to go
Slug damage hasn't been as bad as I'd expect. There have been nibbles, esp. on my sunflowers, but the plants are growing fast enough to survive the odd munch.All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
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