this is my first year of my allotment and have grown peas, potatoes, summer and winter cabbages, swedes onions garlic carrots and sweetcorn.
Have sown spring cabbages but where do I put them when they are ready? Regarding crop rotation do I put them still with the brassicas this year i.e. where summer cabbages were or do I start them where peas were and follow them next year with summer cabbages. Am a bit confused. Grateful of any help
this is my first year of my allotment and have grown peas, potatoes, summer and winter cabbages, swedes onions garlic carrots and sweetcorn.
Have sown spring cabbages but where do I put them when they are ready? Regarding crop rotation do I put them still with the brassicas this year i.e. where summer cabbages were or do I start them where peas were and follow them next year with summer cabbages. Am a bit confused. Grateful of any help
