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Confused about onions


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  • Confused about onions

    I've got myself into a muddle thinking I should start sowing some onion from seed for overwinering but all the instructions and packets says to start sowing from seed in March?

    I've got some Onion red baron and ishikura onion (thanks 2 sheds!) and some jumbo onion (from the seed parcel swap).

    I'm easily confused about this overwintering business.

  • #2
    I think that Ishikura is a spring onion rather than a bulb type and therefore shouldn't be sown until spring (although you might be able to get an early crop in under cover). Red Baron are a spring planted type and I'm not sure about Jumbo onion. Many types of onion need to be sown in the spring but some types are hardy enough to overwinter and it's not worth sowing unless you have the right type - note that although the spring sown ones will harvest later, they will keep over the winter.

    Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

    Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


    • #3
      Tradition or whatever has it that most sets were planted in the spring and seeds were planted on or around boxing day(under cover).Not sure that this actually means much now,there were 4 or 5 different varieties in the garden centre for autumn planting and were all sets(including Ishikura),the packaging said they could be cropped in the spring as "spring onions" or left to bulb up.
      Personally,I will be sowing seed at the beginning of next year and sets in the spring,but note I am in Scotland so a lot of things depend on the weather and amount of daylight to get things growing.


      • #4
        I'm sowing onions now, while the soil is still warm.

        the ones I sent you had sow Aug on the pack, I'm sure of it! At least, I had them in my August seed box.

        Onion (Spring) Ishikura by Mr Fothergills �1.95

        Buy Red Baron Onion Seeds | Unwins The UK's Leading Onion Seed Supplier
        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


        • #5
          I'll send you some of these to make up for it. You're further south than me, so I think you have time.

          I sowed mine yesterday. I also sowed Hi-Keeper, but none left of those, sorry
          Last edited by Two_Sheds; 06-09-2009, 07:53 AM.
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • #6
            Don't be confused about onions; there is only one thing to remember and that is - if they aren't the overwintering type then they will bolt if they get too cold as they then think they are in their second season and want to flower.

            This means you can sow all year round pretty much, as long as the ones that aren't ok to overwinter outside, are stopped from frosting or getting too cold during the winter.

            The Japanese ones have been bred to be ok through the winter. Allegedly - although some do bolt but most don't.


            • #7
              This time of the year I stick to planting overwintering sets. Got mine yesterday.


              • #8
                For the newcomer,(not Zazen!) just be guided by the sowing dates on the packet and you won't go far wrong. Once you've gained a bit of gardening experience, and found out what works well in your area you can start experimenting!
                My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                Diversify & prosper


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Snadger View Post
                  For the newcomer,(not Zazen!) just be guided by the sowing dates on the packet and you won't go far wrong. Once you've gained a bit of gardening experience, and found out what works well in your area you can start experimenting!
                  And stick to what is in the nurseries/garden centres........the sets are all out at the moment so fill yer boots


                  • #10
                    Good advice Snadger. Location plays a big factor in what can be grown when. But as gardeners we have a big influence on the final growing conditions, i.e. greenhouse, cold frame, cloche, exposed, sheltered, etc. etc. but all these come down to experience and local knowledge. Many people will be putting sets in now but because I am further south I will wait several weeks yet as I don't want the onions to make to much top growth before winter. I tried seeds last autumn but didn't have much success so it's all sets this year.



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Snadger View Post
                      For the newcomer,(not Zazen!) just be guided by the sowing dates on the packet and you won't go far wrong. Once you've gained a bit of gardening experience, and found out what works well in your area you can start experimenting!
                      I like experimenting

                      Thank you all, we got some Senshyu Onion from Wilko's yesterday (accidentally while picking up the garlic ) so will sort these out first and then do the lot with the right time.

                      I'm going on holiday from end of sept till mid oct, do I plant them out before I go or do it when I get back? it's still warm(ish) here (was 20 yesterday) so I'm not sure.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Bramble_killer View Post
                        I like experimenting

                        I didn't mean to imply you weren't experienced B_K !
                        My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                        to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                        Diversify & prosper


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Snadger View Post
                          I didn't mean to imply you weren't experienced B_K !
                          awwww.... I was just being cheeky, I'm completely inexperienced! this is my first year growing. Sadly, it's in my nature not to follow instructions.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Bramble_killer View Post
                            awwww.... I was just being cheeky, I'm completely inexperienced! this is my first year growing. Sadly, it's in my nature not to follow instructions.

                            Ha Ha, you will fit in here perfectly then.
                            Blogging at.....


                            • #15
                              My autumn sown onions were pretty good this year. I've filled a couple of onion bags to see us through the winter. They were quite variable in size with some coming in at 1kg, but most were about 3-400gms each. Plenty for a meal for two.

                              I also tried some Kelsae onions from seed and these though larger physically, they were not as dense and heavy.

                              I'll be doing the same again this year but more red sets this time.
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