i have finally managed to get an Amish Paste tom to fruit and it has 4 lovely big fruits on it, but they are still green.....i cant see any signs of redness on any yet. i'm getting concerned they wont turn naturally now as the evenings are getting really cool here....the plants are out on the allotment.
am i panicking to early? or should i resort to cutting the truss off and bringing them into snuggle with bananas?.
i want to be able to harvest useable seed from them for next year, as theres only 4 of them.
a couple of the other plants have 1 or 2 fruits as well, but none this large, so i dont think a soup or sauce is in the offing....so its harvested seed i want!!
please help me get some useable seed......thank you!
am i panicking to early? or should i resort to cutting the truss off and bringing them into snuggle with bananas?.
i want to be able to harvest useable seed from them for next year, as theres only 4 of them.
a couple of the other plants have 1 or 2 fruits as well, but none this large, so i dont think a soup or sauce is in the offing....so its harvested seed i want!!
please help me get some useable seed......thank you!