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green shoots on my onion sets


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  • green shoots on my onion sets

    Last month I planted my onion sets 50 red and 50 white under a polythene tent over the whole bed. At the same time I planted up about 15 Garlic.
    Looking out this morning I see the onions are showing a nice green shoot about 1 � 1.5 inches.
    Would it be best to remove the protection or leave it in place? I believe onions and garlic do not mind the cold.
    The last time I planted over winter I did lose a few sets, but I was not sure if that was from the cold or a bit of rot or just poor sets.
    Any advise please
    You grow it; I'l tell you how to cook it

  • #2
    I don't bother to protect mine. If they have green shoots (mine do too) then they should be fine.

    Vegetable Kingdom blog


    • #3
      I'm growing some under cover, because of allium leaf miner which is apparently in the Midlands and if it comes my way, I don't want it!
      Last edited by zazen999; 24-11-2009, 09:35 PM.


      • #4
        onion shoots shot down

        in the beginning of october i planted about 50 onion sets and 50 shallot sets, the shoots are now about 12 inches long,these recent strong wind have flattened them all, will they continue to grow or would it be better to dig up and start again.


        • #5
          Mine are just like yours brucensha - and welcome to the vine, by the way! - I'm going to take my chances and we'll see what happens! I may have to resort to planting new onions in the spring but that will teach me to get them in, in a mild october!
          Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


          • #6
            As long as the roots aren't damaged they will continue to grow.
            As for keeping them covered, I think it is a good idea as long as you allow plenty of ventilation. No harm should come to them without the protection but you may get better results using it.
            Good luck and keep us posted !

            The link to my old website with vegetable garden and poultry photographs



            • #7
              Ifyou leave the polythene on you must stop the soil from drying out too much. Also as said before ventilation is also needed.


              • #8
                I planted about 30 garlic bulbs earlier this month, and they've all sprouted. Normally they would lie dormant till the spring; well, they'll just have to take their chance
                When this current spell ( now becoming a very prolonged spell!) of wet & mild weather is over, perhaps by mid - December I'll plant some more as a kind of insurance
                As I've always planted suoermarket garlic which is quite cheap, and never had any problems,I'm just going to see what turns up in the spring


                • #9
                  My onions are in a raised bed with a wooden structure 15 inches high and well filled with loam and this year topped up with well rotted horse pooo. I have anchored short posts at 12 inches at the edges and 20 inches down the centre of the bed with canes to support the ridge and the eves I covered this with a good grade polythene tent with batons which anchored down with broken paving slabs around the perimeter. I have left one end open. as the forecast is for some very cold weather in the next few weeks I think I will leave the covers on.
                  You grow it; I'l tell you how to cook it


                  • #10
                    my onion leaves are also very very long. I plan to protect them with an enviromesh frame. It'll be interesting to see what happens. I've daffodils sprouting too!


                    • #11
                      Snap, my onion and shallot leaves are growing long already as well and I have an enviomesh cloche over mine to protect against wind and heavy rain.


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