Sorry if this is the wrong place - not sure what other forum it should be in?
I've just created some beds, as can be seen below.. but I'm not sure about the height of them?
I'm going to dig down in the ground, but not really sure if I should add another tier onto the beds?
What are the pros and cons of doing this? I've read that raised beds are better for drainage (unsure of the soil below the chippings - wanted to get the frames done first so I could see about walk ways, etc)... Most beds I've seen at friends places are pretty much this height (built them from 12'x6"x2" planks).
Side question: I've noticed seem green coming out of the boards, almost like green mould? The planks have been tanalised (after spending ages researching this, had a good chat with the local timer merchant owner who advised me all the hype about, and toxic chemicals have been banned from use in tanalising, and other domestic wood products - explained we have a baby, etc and said I NEED it to be safe - and he said it's definately safe - is often asked this, and has said that these boards will last up to 20yrs? Untreated wuld only last a year or two before rotting down? - is that true?) -- so that green stuff, could it be tanalising stuff coming out? These planks have been out side, pretty much all wet due to all the rain we've been having like - I'm going to give them a good blasting with a pressure washer to get it off, and then am planning on painting them with plant safe wood preservative (mainly for the look).
I've just created some beds, as can be seen below.. but I'm not sure about the height of them?
I'm going to dig down in the ground, but not really sure if I should add another tier onto the beds?
What are the pros and cons of doing this? I've read that raised beds are better for drainage (unsure of the soil below the chippings - wanted to get the frames done first so I could see about walk ways, etc)... Most beds I've seen at friends places are pretty much this height (built them from 12'x6"x2" planks).
Side question: I've noticed seem green coming out of the boards, almost like green mould? The planks have been tanalised (after spending ages researching this, had a good chat with the local timer merchant owner who advised me all the hype about, and toxic chemicals have been banned from use in tanalising, and other domestic wood products - explained we have a baby, etc and said I NEED it to be safe - and he said it's definately safe - is often asked this, and has said that these boards will last up to 20yrs? Untreated wuld only last a year or two before rotting down? - is that true?) -- so that green stuff, could it be tanalising stuff coming out? These planks have been out side, pretty much all wet due to all the rain we've been having like - I'm going to give them a good blasting with a pressure washer to get it off, and then am planning on painting them with plant safe wood preservative (mainly for the look).