Right guys, to try to avoid the debarcle of the 12 leggy and mouldy chilli's that I have just had to throw away, please offer any advice or comments on the following that I have just finished.
1. I recovered 5 of the shorter germinated chilli's that had no signs of mould and each had two leaves on. I teased them out of the heated prop' tray and into 3 1/2 inch pots of seed soil and I've put them on to a bright window sill in a heated bedroom.
I plan to give them about half a cup of water a day and to have a desk light with an energy saving light bulb on them, but plan to turn it off at night, for obvious reasons.
What should you look for when deciding how much to water a plant?
2. I have thinly sewn some onion seeds into a tray and covered with 1/2 an inch of seed soil and placed in the HP. I expect them to germinate in a couple of weeks, at which point I plan open the vent slowly over a week and place the HP in a better lit room.
I will then tease the onion plants out and place them into pots with compost in and water as above, maybe a little more. What size pots anybody?
When should these be put outside or can they stay indoors and will I need to repot into bigger pots when the roots start to show at the bottom?
3. I have planted 5 tomato seeds in a HP tray, pointy bit bown along side 5 sweet chilli's and covered with 1/2 an inch of seed soil. I expect them to germinate in a week or so, at which point I will move them to a well lit heated room and open the vent progressively more over a week. I will then repot the plants into 3 1/2 inch pots and place on a sunny window sill.
4. I have planted 5 x single garlic cloves, shoot upwards and the clove just below the surface of the compost into 5 1/2 inch pots.
I am hoping just watering these will be sufficient, but should these, or any of the above, be given any fertiliser/food?
1. I recovered 5 of the shorter germinated chilli's that had no signs of mould and each had two leaves on. I teased them out of the heated prop' tray and into 3 1/2 inch pots of seed soil and I've put them on to a bright window sill in a heated bedroom.
I plan to give them about half a cup of water a day and to have a desk light with an energy saving light bulb on them, but plan to turn it off at night, for obvious reasons.
What should you look for when deciding how much to water a plant?
2. I have thinly sewn some onion seeds into a tray and covered with 1/2 an inch of seed soil and placed in the HP. I expect them to germinate in a couple of weeks, at which point I plan open the vent slowly over a week and place the HP in a better lit room.
I will then tease the onion plants out and place them into pots with compost in and water as above, maybe a little more. What size pots anybody?
When should these be put outside or can they stay indoors and will I need to repot into bigger pots when the roots start to show at the bottom?
3. I have planted 5 tomato seeds in a HP tray, pointy bit bown along side 5 sweet chilli's and covered with 1/2 an inch of seed soil. I expect them to germinate in a week or so, at which point I will move them to a well lit heated room and open the vent progressively more over a week. I will then repot the plants into 3 1/2 inch pots and place on a sunny window sill.
4. I have planted 5 x single garlic cloves, shoot upwards and the clove just below the surface of the compost into 5 1/2 inch pots.
I am hoping just watering these will be sufficient, but should these, or any of the above, be given any fertiliser/food?