Anyone have a suggestion what I can do to our garden? I've attached a picture of it, it's curved at the bottom, used to have a load of fir trees covering the back wall, where the one is to the left of the photo.
I've removed most of the firs, going to take out the other two - but I can see why they were there in the first place now - the wall at the back is a bit ugly.
I was thinking of a trellis type strucutre to seperate the "garden" from the "veg area" - and then have an archway at the bottom of the path, then perhaps grow something (would any fruit do here? - rasberry, etc? - can it be trained like that?) - the trellis I was looking at was something like: Grange Sunshine Trellis Brown (H)0.87m x (W)1.83m, SST210
just along the width of the garden, leading to the archway: Rustic Arch Green, ARCHRU - or similar. That way, the wall would be screened, and the veg area would be seperated from the garden.. We'd still like some garden area for the little one to play in, I'm going to remove all the large shurbs, and probably create a rockery type thing - you can almost see where I've moved some big stones out from the earth already -and then grow some low-lying plants, or herbs that I can have as a mainly decorative display, but with kitchen use in mind too. (I have big pots for the proper herb sets to go in).
I'll try and get some more photos with a proper camera so you can see what its like more clearly.
I've removed most of the firs, going to take out the other two - but I can see why they were there in the first place now - the wall at the back is a bit ugly.
I was thinking of a trellis type strucutre to seperate the "garden" from the "veg area" - and then have an archway at the bottom of the path, then perhaps grow something (would any fruit do here? - rasberry, etc? - can it be trained like that?) - the trellis I was looking at was something like: Grange Sunshine Trellis Brown (H)0.87m x (W)1.83m, SST210
just along the width of the garden, leading to the archway: Rustic Arch Green, ARCHRU - or similar. That way, the wall would be screened, and the veg area would be seperated from the garden.. We'd still like some garden area for the little one to play in, I'm going to remove all the large shurbs, and probably create a rockery type thing - you can almost see where I've moved some big stones out from the earth already -and then grow some low-lying plants, or herbs that I can have as a mainly decorative display, but with kitchen use in mind too. (I have big pots for the proper herb sets to go in).
I'll try and get some more photos with a proper camera so you can see what its like more clearly.