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Partial germination in heated propagator


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  • Partial germination in heated propagator

    I've 10 cells of a seed tray in a cheapo B&Q heated prop (the £13 one). In there I have a mix of chilli and tom varieties.. I've noticed that a couple toms, and couple chilli have germinated - one tom is quite tall, no leaves, the chilli are smaller and are sprouting their first leaves.

    Because others in there haven't popped up yet, what should I do - open the vent in the top, or remove the germinated ones to a windowsil?

    This is my first time going from seed, last year I bought seedlings from the garden centre so a bit unsure!

  • #2
    I sow my toms and chillis in 3 and a half inch pots (five or six seeds per pot), placed in heated propagator. One variety per pot. As different varieties have different germination times, this avoids the problem you now have. If you leave the whole cell tray in the propagator the seeds that have germinated will get tall and lanky. If you move the whole tray to the windowsill there is a danger that the rest of the seeds won't germinate.


    • #3
      I do the same as rustylady, having learned from experience!! The only thing I can suggest is if you could cut up the cell tray to seperate them. I know it's a waste of a cell tray but don't know what else to suggest.
      AKA Angie


      • #4
        That's fine - it's already cut up (didnt have any small pots, so thought I'd do this) - but just wanted to make sure!



        • #5
          In that case move the ones that have germinated to a warm windowsill so they get plenty of light.


          • #6
            Thanks - should I repot them tomorrow in 3" pots?


            oops sorry that was my 5 month old wanting to say hi


            • #7
              Originally posted by chrismarks View Post
              Thanks - should I repot them tomorrow in 3" pots?
              Don't re-pot until the roots have filled the original container.


              • #8
                The ones that have germinated will want light. The ungerminated ones still in the prop will appreciate the vent closed...but I'd balance it to keep the compost moist but not too much.

                If necessary prick out the seeds that have germinated or they might get very leggy, wouldn't worry about 'roots filling container', do what is needed to keep all happy.
                To see a world in a grain of sand
                And a heaven in a wild flower


                • #9
                  You know you said about 5 odd seeds per 3.5" pot.. so you prick them out at a later date, or just thin out?

                  And by thinning out, is this just up rooting and discarding ?



                  • #10
                    Prick out what you want to keep, thin out and compost what you don't want to keep
                    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                    • #11
                      I grow all mine in individual newspaper pots (about 1.5" each) so that a) I can remove from the propogator as soon as they surface and b) I can repot when I want to without disturbing the roots. It works really well for me and I can make the pots up on dark winter evenings when it's too rubbish to do anything else.

                      Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

                      Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


                      • #12

                        How long should I be expecting chillies, peppers and aubergines to come up in a heated propagator?

                        I sowed some on Wednesday, opened the vent, went away for the weekend, and the soil has dried to concrete consistency.

                        Not sure if they've gone to the big seed house in the sky so should sow again, or water and wait?
                        Last edited by WeeGarden; 31-01-2010, 05:46 PM.


                        • #13
                          Had the same with my onions cos it's so cold in the GH.... THe middle of one of my propagators ahs lots of cells of Long Red Florence up, but the ones round the outside (especially the ends) aren't./... so I've cut the module pack in half and put the middle to the outside if you see what I mean..... can't help the fact that the other propagators are going slow.... jsut starting to see the Kelsaes, Russian Size, Sturon and Aisla Craig come up, still waiting on Spanish Giant, Spanish Sweet, some tree onions.... annoyingly the module packs in the other ones won't fit the so far succuessful propagator....



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