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three sisters companion planting


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  • #16
    for 2 years i have groen corn intercropped with courgettes and it has worked wonderfully well, this year i am going to try intercropping my corn with tuscan kale as when the corn has finished the kale will be just starting to go for it for cropping over winter


    • #17
      Another corn & courgette grower here - found that the beans didn't work so well so opted for the "2 sisters" which was marvellous last year - great yields from both (in the polytunnel though as we had a washout summer)


      • #18
        I came across this and thought it would be useful for those who are looking at this idea. Companion Planting: Basic Concept and Resources (Summary) The main site has lots of very interesting articles although they are for USA ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service: organic farming, sustainable ag, publications, newsletters
        History teaches us that history teaches us nothing. - Hegel


        • #19
          As with other people the corn did not grow fast enough to support the beans (i used borlotti) but the crop of beans spread over the ground and didn't sustain much slug damage this may have been that the squash leaves are pretty inedible the older they get and the slugs had gone elsewhere for easier pickings.


          • #20
            I thought I would bump up this thread as I'm trying the Three Sisters method this season, but I'm using dwarf french beans. So they don't really climb the corn stalks, but they still help support the plants a bit. I have a patty pan and a courgette plant in the mix too. This is how it looked a couple of weeks ago.

            So far, I've had a pretty good result. Lots of beans and courgettes and the old expert hand at the allotments complimented me on how good my corn looks. Patty pans have been slow, but I've never grown them before, so it's a learning experience. I'm just hoping the corn lives up to its looks!
            Attached Files


            • #21
              Well, ignore my posting in Feb, i have done a traditional 3 sisters bed. I have grown corn in blocks and grown a drying bean up the corn (Ruth bible pole bean..Thank Andrea) and have grown a couple of courgettes and pattypan amongst the blocks of corn. It has worked out really well, the beans are growing up the corn nicely and not troubling them, the leaves of the courgettes and pattypan are helping to suppress weeds and keeping the roots of the corn cool (at the rare times the sun comes out!!!!) and to be honest, i could say it was a 4 sisters bed as when the corn was smaller, i interplanted lettuces between the corn, it really has utilised the space well and i will be doing it again



              • #22
                My corn went out way too late, and didn't ever really get going - maybe 12" high? (oops)
                Gave teh beans some poles which they appreciated, and the squash are fine
                Will try again next year...


                • #23
                  I think I've written this before, but it never hurts repeating something.

                  I've tried it 3 times now and have learnt this. Squash work well if they are long trailing ones, but they do need their own space to put down roots, either planted outside the block, or a space left for them in it.
                  Climbing beans for drying work best and they can go up poles, I used arches, but poles would be just as good.
                  I found growing lettuces in there as a catch crop didn't work very well.

                  But..... I still think they all grow better on their own.
                  "Orinoco was a fat lazy Womble"

                  Please ignore everything I say, I make it up as I go along, not only do I generally not believe what I write, I never remember it either.


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