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strawberries from seed...


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  • strawberries from seed...


    I started my strawberry seeds off last month in the prop and have just transplanted some into 7cm pots, which soon ran out, so the others went into cell trays.

    They had 3 leaves, but look so tiny!

    Am I on the right tracks? Should I keep them indoors until they are bigger?

  • #2
    Last summer I saved seed from a strawberry I liked. It was a local grown variety. They took well and I have overwintered them in the unheated ghouse. This is them today and the temperature in the ghouse is unbelievably 32c

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    • #3
      mine has only made it up to 21c today! lovely and toasty in there, warmer than in the lounge

      mine are very small, needle thin really... I hope they crop ok this year hopefully they will be as big as yours soon


      • #4
        I grew some alpine strawberries from seed a couple of years ago. Sowed in Jan and they were very very tiny for ages and then suddenly started looking like proper strawberries. I kept them in side until that stage and probably put them out in the greenhouse in about April. They were fruiting nicely in window boxes by the end of June (I think, not got my notes in front of me at the moment) and did really well.

        Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

        Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


        • #5
          When I started mine off the advice I was given was don't expect much, or indeed any, fruit for two years. So it's up to us to prove the exception


          • #6
            Originally posted by Alison View Post
            I grew some alpine strawberries from seed a couple of years ago. Sowed in Jan and they were very very tiny for ages and then suddenly started looking like proper strawberries. I kept them in side until that stage and probably put them out in the greenhouse in about April. They were fruiting nicely in window boxes by the end of June (I think, not got my notes in front of me at the moment) and did really well.
            I've got a packet that I haven't sown yet.... might be a bit late, but will pop them in the prop later and give them a go

            Originally posted by Brengirl View Post
            When I started mine off the advice I was given was don't expect much, or indeed any, fruit for two years. So it's up to us to prove the exception
            I'll give it my best shot, my children love them and I wouldn't mind having a few myself too

            I'll have to spoil them with everything they need and hope for some yummy yeilds in return


            • #7
              Leah - you can pick up good strawb plants from the carboots round here - so if you dont have any luck by late Aug/sept I would have a look round - I got 5 plants (NOT runners) for �1.
              Also I picked some up from the seed swap too.


              • #8
                Picked up some F1 Temptation Strawbs yesterday and there were some free alpine seeds on todays GN so tomorrow I may well sow some. Nowt to lose anyway


                • #9
                  i sowed some alpine strawb seeds last month and they still look like tiny new seedlings just poking through. i got told they stay small for ages though, so im just waiting now.
         My brand spanking new plot


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by northepaul View Post
                    Leah - you can pick up good strawb plants from the carboots round here - so if you dont have any luck by late Aug/sept I would have a look round - I got 5 plants (NOT runners) for �1.
                    Also I picked some up from the seed swap too.
                    I'm looking forward to Allington Lane opening again I miss that one when it closes, so much nicer than Bursledon!

                    I think I'll probably end up buying more too as everyone in the house loves them! every spare place and basket will have strawberries in

                    They still haven't grown much from being potted on. I'm going to move them to a more sunny window and see if that helps.


                    • #11

                      I dont think you have too much to worry about.

                      Sounds like its all coming along well.

                      I usually save my Strawbs from year to year, heel them in outside to vernalise and then plant them in an NFT system after Christmas in a cold greenhouse. They grow a few roots but don't really kick into action until the light levels improve so I reckon that will be your key.

                      There are two types of people - those that understand compound interest and those that pay it.


                      • #12
                        I grew alpine strawberries in the autumn and they have come on really well in unheated greenhouse. I have also sown some sarian strawberries from seed. Mine are still very small but I'm pleased as they germinated from seed purchased in G/C sale. Will be keeping an eye on these.
                        Hope yours are coming on well Leah.

                        Updated 23rd February 2009


                        • #13
                          Thank you some of mine are sarian seeds too, they're either the pack that had 100% germination or the pack that had hardly any! I noticed one has 4 leaves now, so they're definately growing

                          They all seem to have survived being transplanted and are sitting in my daughters window which gets the best light.

                          Not too sure when to pop them out into the greenhouse, after killing off a lot of chillis, I've probably become over cautious


                          • #14
                            Am I dreaming or has spring come at last. Strawberries and cream anyone?

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                            • #15
                              I got 10 Alexandra type strawberry germinated from seeds in the cell tray... hoping they will flower may be late in the season... but its exciting , I do have lot of other strawberry plants that resulted from runners last season...I am thinking of building a special raised beds for strawberry


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