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I read somewhere .....


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  • #16
    Aye, I got that they grew when the first was picked, but I couldn't figure out if they should then stay or get picked (all or any) or what.
    Thanks for clearing it up.

    While we're on the topic of pepper flowers...

    When I got a sweet pepper plant (the joy of realcycle) last year I took to hand pollenating it carefully with a paintbrush. Having never heard of it before, I didn't pick the first flower. A few flowers lost their petals, swelled a tiny bit and then stopped. A few went limp and fell off completely. Three actually set fruit.
    Any ideas why that might have happened?
    If all the flowers had set fruit I'd have had about 10 peppers, maybe more. As it stands I got three.
    Last edited by organic; 11-03-2010, 12:25 PM.


    • #17
      We're doing sweet peppers for the first time this year. An older bloke who Himself and his mates go to the footy with, told us to only allow one flower to fruit per branch. He got nine or ten big bell peppers per plant that way, our mate who didn't do this got a few tiddly ones so think may try that.
      Last edited by Shadylane; 11-03-2010, 02:50 PM.


      • #18
        Thanks for this thread....I did appallingly last year firstly mine didn't germinate so I brought some at a fair and ended up with one puny mishapen pepper on each plant....wondered where I went wrong.

        I do know however that beefsteak fruit toms will put out a double flower (like a French marigold) to start with and you should remove this for similar reasons.


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