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Vegetable Rules & Regulations


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  • #46
    Ah, clarity is the clinch with jelly. (assuming you have the perfect set) I have a French steam juice extractor...brilliant.....I don't see why you shouldn't suspend something in it....I tried a load of herbs in crab apple jelly one year but the blo*dy things kept floating.

    Sorry to be snotty about your Kohl Rabi...think its a pointless veg myself...just my ever so humble Uriah opinion...just remember the points if your going up against other things in the any veg class...handbook says they should be between golf and tennis ball.

    Chutneys always state 'vinegar proof' lids. and whether spicy or not...sounds fab damson gin chutney...all round to Wellies for a ploughmans.

    Judging veg: condition...clean, fresh ,tender,no blemishes
    size.........ONLY meritorious if accompanied by quality
    and uniformity..all alike

    unusual stuff always impressive but not unless judged by above standards

    computer tower is probably the fan...rather than serious techie myself but not difficult to replace.


    • #47
      MERITORIOUS.... Now I like that word rather a lot.....
      That was a 'Top Banana' reply for me Paulottie, in every respect, so thank you.X

      Firstly, to answer your point on 'The Mystery Jelly with Suspended Bits', there's a knack to getting the bits to float, and clarity, clearly, my Friend....! But because the bits did indeed suspend, I might have grasped the crux of the matter when I read about it way back when.....and I can talk about that at a later date, if anyone's still got the will to live when I've stopped prattling on?!

      To be perfectly honest, when Pigletwillie and his beautiful Mrs. came to stay over Easter Weekend, we took them to a welsh garden centre that we'd not taken them to before, and we all parted company with a few shillings in the 'ooh! I could grow that for a change' department.... And there I resteth my case! I am now the proud owner of some Kohl Rabi seedlings. But who's to say that these will completely excell and put my previous slug-eaten seedling attempts to shame, and produce some fabulous roots for my kitchen, or indeed The Show. I have never yet grown a Kohl Rabi to an acceptible edible state yet, and never cooked with one, or even tasted one.
      So please don't hate me yet?!

      Ooh! And the 'puter tower isn't complaining at all this evening, so I've not had to hoover, and have been able to get on with more Gardening.....


      • #48
        Knowing my own capacities for the fact that I MAY have a Lettuce, or a Bean, or a Potato, but not necessarily on the right day, in the right quantity, or (God Forbid) of the right uniformity of size for a bespectacled guru in my local village hall.....

        ..... I'm here to tell you, that I now have two generations of Bored Beans growing for the show, and one of Mangetout, and one of Peas, two of Turnips, four of French Beans, one of Borlotti Beans, six of yellow Pattypan Squash, Tomatoes that are a complete and utter secret, just because they remind me SO much of both of my Grandads (and are sporting their first flower trusses as I type (grown from seed), and I know that both Uncle Mark and Popa would be so proud of me now if they knew that?)

        And naturally, I have other stuff, under my secretive belt, for other classes in other categories too....!X


        • #49
          So Wellie...twelve weeks to go.... Optimum time for sowing peas, mange tout, summer cabbage(I'd go with Hispi or Copenhagen market), lettuce and beetroot etc .....sow a couple of batches over this fortnight to make sure.

          Well done on the Toms.


          • #50
            One thing I'm good at, is Tomatoes my friend, I promise you.X
            And, actually, it's less weeks than that now and counting? EEK?!
            You're brilliant with your advice on what to sow for my show right now.
            Thank you SO MUCH....X
            In addition, I've been to my very favourite garden centre this week, sourcing relevant varieties of flowers to grow for the show.
            I am still mighty suspicious that Storming actually did grow all of those beauties in the cut glass crysal vase himself for the vase of herbaceous category?
            But I'll find out what the rules are before I throw my teddies out, obviously.....!

            Trousers. Prepare to have A Vicky Sponge, A Welsh Cake, a This, a That, and a Other in your Lunchbox from now on darling...... Completely SMACKED with calories, but hey!... more to grab hold of, no?!

            I'm going to have to concentrate, and get what I'm growing a little better than normal.

            Am I the only one? or do you all have Village Shows too?
            Bet you can make a Vicky Sponge better than I can..
            Me? I'm complete Rubbash....X


            • #51
              'Exhibits must be the property of the exhibitor and must have been in his possession for at least two months' (that doesn't count for flower arrangements section though.)

              Protests must be in writing within a specified time-frame and should carry a small deposit...Don't do it Wellie unless you have proof/certainty of fraudulent entry...or you are intending to move house.

              Keep sowing


              • #52
                No, please take 'Teddies Out' for Storming Norman's Vase of Herbaceous as Complete Admiration and Incredulousness. I am hugely patting him on the back for his quality, and no more, no less.

                I'm starting to do research on plants to grow for my own vase, and getting some lovely ideas from Sarah Raven's 'Cutting Garden' book that Trousers kindly bought me one Christmas. Rome, evidently, wasn't built in a day, so I might have to be a little more patient?

                Still. At least I'm taking part...........


                • #53
                  I mentioned in one of my threads elsewhere on The Grapevine, that I had the most wonderful and informative conversation with Storming Norman in my local supermarket carpark, just the other day, when he parked up next to me as I was returning to the truck with my shopping, and I was then , thankfully, able to ask of him all the niggling little questions that I had about the forthcoming show in July.

                  I can only describe it as The Meeting Of Two Minds, and it was a complete pleasure, on my part Norman, if you ever read this. I so appreciate your honesty, and patience in listening to my silly questions.X.

                  According to Norman, the show isn't judged on RHS points system, only on what the judge of the day deems good, and I'd just love to be able to reiterate that, time and time again, if that's possible, because for local shows, I think it's hugely important NOT to have black cloth and parsnip taproots that threaten to tunnel down the plughole to Australia, which is why I make reference to it, (I hope) jovially sometimes.

                  Okay.... here's another 'Boing' Question, potentially:
                  I had a conversation with my neighbour yesterday, and she said that there were participants of the Produce Show, that also 'Stewarded' for the show.
                  So, they Showed that day, and helped Judge that day, (but werent allowed to say anything).

                  What on EARTH does THAT mean?

                  I promise you, I'm losing the will to live now?!

                  Doesn't it just bring out the worst in you?!!!X


                  • #54
                    RHS points or not the same criteria will clinch is really the only way to judge it and the judge is likely to be experianced....we don't have Mewyn Williams style snips or black cloths but that's not to say quality doesn't shines forth in humbler surrounds.

                    Stewards help competitors get their exhibits in, staged and ticketed (without fisticuffs) and are normally helpful by pointing out obvious mistakes. They clear the hall at judging time. find the Judge Tea, prize stickers rosettes and whatever. They are not allowed to disclose the entrants name or in theory influence the technical aspects of the judging.

                    I still get a ever-so-slightly frosty reception from one lady who was stewarding with me judging the photography section and felt her husband should have won.... must have been 7 or 8 years ago now.


                    • #55
                      The judges have to base their decisions on some sort of system and for that reason, most will base their decisions on either RHS or NVS guidelines.
                      As for the "stewards inquiry" - stewards are assistants for the day, helping the event run smoothly, assisting exhibitors etc - they do not judge - in fact most are asked to leave the room / tent / hall/ whatever when judging is taking place - someone has gotten their wires crossed methinks. As for entrants name being known, exhibit cards quite ofetn show the exhibitos name and details on one side (face down on table) and details of class, cultivar and other required info on the other, so the judge cannot be influenced.
                      Update on my show - hall booked, flower judge appointed, veg judge appointed, draft schedules almost completed, awaiting return calls from two local Flower Clubs re Floral Art, and two beekeeping societies re honey competition. Have been persuaded to have a home made compost class - to be sponsored by ROWAN (Ross-shire Waste Awareness Network), and the council man, Dennis, who operates the local amenity site (tip to you and me) has all but agreed to put on a display of orchids (he has 43 species orchids in his house !). Have Community Council meeting on Monday night to seek their backing for my bid for some funding from the Common Good Fund.
                      Last edited by sewer rat; 22-04-2010, 09:18 PM.

                      British by birth
                      Scottish by the Grace of God



                      • #56
                        No, I'm beginning to understand a lot better now, and the Stewarding role now Boys, so thank you for that, it's much clearer, and I shall be able to explain that to my neighbour so that she does too.

                        What a fabulous idea to have a homemade compost class Rat! Absolutely Top Drawer. Like that a lot..... and it all seems to be coming together on all angles now to the end product. I bet you've put a tremendous amount of hours and hard work in behind the scenes to get this far, and your work has probably only just really begun?!
                        I'm truly excited for you, and can't wait to hear more about it all.


                        • #57
                          I had a lovely time stewarding the wine judge many moons ago - I got to taste all the entries and help the judge to record his comments and scorings... it gradually got more difficult to keep track!!
                          Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                          • #58
                            jeanied, you sound to have had a great time!
                            Can you remember how they scored every entry for each of the classes?


                            • #59
                              Got the list of all the categories today, some brilliant sections, 2 decorated digestive biscuit, pasta picture, minature scarecrow, but sadly for pre-schoolers and young kids only!

                              OH is offering himself as judge for the 15 Baking categories.

                              Will need to have a good look through and see what I could enter, since all new to me. Got my two local experts to help me, and I am supposed to be getting an invite to join the committee, so maybe some more inside knowledge And of course already some good tips on here


                              • #60
                                elsie-scott, what a fabulous category with the digestives.... I like that a lot.
                                Our show is very 'Village', and is actively encouraging 'New Blood', so like yourselves, and Sewer Rat, I'm picking up all of this to maybe contribute in a positive aspect for the future of our own show in the years to come, so thank you for that.X

                                I've just received the new show schedule for our local village produce show now, and I'm HUGELY relieved that there's no mention of a Victoria Sponge Sandwich in the Cookery and Preserves class.
                                Namely, on account of the fact that I'm cr@p at making cakes, and I got up at 6am the other morning to make one for my friends coming to visit, and it turned out even more awful than I'd expected.... and I did everything.... I weighed the eggs....

                                No, evidently this year, the show schedule is proposing a Jam Swiss Roll, a fatless Sultana Loaf Cake, six Cheese Straws (1cmx12cm), an Orange Drizzle Cake, and a Chocky Cake, in addition to all the usual other classes within this section......

                                Trousers very unhelpfully suggested that I should get Pigletwillie to make them all, because he's just brilliant at all of those - but I reminded Trousers that Piggie's Cheese Straws have a SERIOUS amount of Marmite in/on them, that I HATE Marmite, and also, that is, in fact, called 'Cheating', and I'm quite capable of entering on my own talents, even if I'm not very good at it?!
                                But the silver lining for me might just lie in the 'A Treacle Tart' or 'A Cheese & Onion Quiche'.
                                Failing any of the above, I might just have a positive entry for the 'Disaster Class... your worst cookery attempts!'

                                With the show looming on Saturday 3rd July, and I still can't get my 1lb. Loaf of Bread (machine made) to not stick to the paddly-bit at the bottom - any brilliant ideas forthcoming from you lot?!

                                Oh, and Paulottie, the Lettuces are doing top banana mate?! but we won't be sure until the day, obviously.X

                                I'm also saddened to see that the Hobby (Ladies Only) section has been removed, which means I don't need to choose between staging one of my Newspaper Cakes vs. A Flowerpot Flobalob garden person of mine (see my blog if you've no idea what I'm talking about), and there's no Lemon Curd this year, which is a bummer, because I was really looking forward to making that for the first time in my life, and the show was the perfect excuse, so now I'm going to have to find extra spare time to explore that avenue!


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