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Capillary mats


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  • Capillary mats


    Went away for a week, had somoene water the plants / seedlings for us whilst we were away.. came home today to find them all SOAKING, I could practically lift the seedlings out of the compost as it was so wet !!! Perhaps I didn't explain my self clearly enough or something, but anyway I've repotted all my seedlings - hope that I cought them in time and they'll survive. (The saucers they were in were full of water too, so no where for it to really go).

    I'm due to go away again for another week soon, I do plan on gettig an automated watering system (have seen the hozelock one that'll do well for my garden and greenhouse when it turns up) - but for indoors, most of my seedlings are now in 5" pots, with a few still in 3" ones. By the time I go away, I think they'll all be in 5" pots min, with a few in larger ones...

    I don't really want to take the chance of getting someone in to water the plants again, so I was thinking of what methods I could use this time when I'm away.. Are capillary mats any good? If a plants roots aren't near the bottom of the pot, will the plant "sense" theres water there, and drive the roots down to get it? Will this cause issues with being pot bound, or even tearing of roots when I pot on/out these plants/veg?

    I probably have about 50 pots on the go now, and will be sowing some more soon - so these ones will be in seed trays most likely as I've ran out of 3" pots! I don't think the seed trays on a capilary mat will be a problem, but it's just the ones I've potted on I'll be a bit concerned about. I've also thought of those drip thingies, but buying 50 of them odd will be expensive - and I ca't really run the hozelock watering system in the house, as it'll mean leaving a window ajar.

    I've even thought about driving back a couple times (I'll be away a week) but knowing my car it'll cost me �60 a time, which is a bit excessive I think!

    Also................ couple of my cucumbers have yellow/brownish edges/spots coming on one of the lower leaves, I'm not sure if this was down to over-watering or there not being any heat in the house when I was away.. Do I just need to cut that leaf off? It's only affected 2 plants, 1 leaf (one of their first true leafs) each.. It doesn't look like a disease really... I dont think it could be underwatering, as each one was in its own ocean when I got back today!


  • #2
    I water mine at the moment about once or twice a week - at most.

    When I've gone away in the past, I've put all plants in the bath, given them a good soaking, let them drain and then put them onto an old towel that has been soaked.

    Unless we have a heatwave, they should be fine.

    If they are in a greenhouse - or can be hardened off to go into a greenhouse - just give them a good soaking before you go.
    Last edited by zazen999; 19-03-2010, 07:11 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by chrismarks View Post
      If a plants roots aren't near the bottom of the pot, will the plant "sense" theres water there, and drive the roots down to get it?
      to see it in action, put one of your plant pots into a clear saucer of water (hummous tubs are good).
      The plant just slurps the water up
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • #4
        the marks on them are probably down to the cold rather than disease this early.


        • #5
          Capillary mats are good, but save the money and do what zazen does - just as effective.
          History teaches us that history teaches us nothing. - Hegel


          • #6
            Hi I have been using capillary matting for the past two years, I find it great and at least I don't risk overwatering the plants as they only draw up what the need. This is where I get mine from

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            AKA Angie


            • #7
              Capillary matting perfect, not that expensive and better than towels (that soon tend to smell.)

              Cover the bench in builders plastic and then the soaked matting; at one end place an old roasting dish full of water. Put one end of the matting and a stone in there....matting slowly soaks up water as plants take up what they need.

              Ask neighbour to make sure that the tin remains this time of year it will probably last at least take a week anyway.
              Last edited by Paulottie; 19-03-2010, 09:28 PM.


              • #8
                That's cool, I thought the roots had to be in contact with water.. I know how transpiration works, but didn't realise that it could draw water that way.

                That's great thanks all. Saved me some distress there !

                I don't have my greenhouse yet (argh!), so at the moment they're on 4 south-facing window sils.

                I'll setup a bench in the kitchen as that window is quite large when I go, and then probably go for the matting for my larger plants, and then the bath method for the smaller ones..

                Thanks again!


                • #9
                  Try Aldi/Lidl for capillary matting, I got two rolls 0.56m x2m for a good price, can't remember exactly how much or which shop (I've slept sice then), but cheap.
                  Last edited by COMPOST CORNER; 19-03-2010, 11:28 PM.


                  • #10
                    Hmm.. well I just looked at that hozelock stuff. Wow, that's expensive! Better be good!!

                    Thanks, I've a Lidl really close I'll pop in tomorrow.


                    • #11
                      I bought my capillary matting from Aldi on the 18th Feb and it was �4.99.

                      I knew my new garden journal would come in handy one of these days
                      Location....East Midlands.


                      • #12
                        Thanks Bren.

                        People keep journals? Perhaps I should do, but I've already forgotten past yesterday.


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