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Silly spinach question


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  • Silly spinach question

    I'm ashamed to ask this
    When you harvest spinach, do you cut the whole plant or just a few leaves of each plant and let it re-grow? I'm wondering about successive sowing.

  • #2
    I always take just a few leaves from each plant and let them keep on growing
    Updated my blog on 13 January


    • #3
      Pick the nicest leaves
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • #4
        Thank you.


        • #5
          not a silly question either
          You have to loose sight of the shore sometimes to cross new oceans

          I would be a perfectionist, but I dont have the time


          • #6
            Aaaw, thank you!


            • #7
              I'll just add to that, never be ashamed to ask anything on here. Everyone and I mean everyone, is really friendly and willing to answer any questions!
              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


              • #8
                Indeed, not a silly question at all but a well thought-out one!

                Be sure to wash the spinach leaves well to remove all grit. We are in permanent drought Down Under so I wash mine in a bucket of water, drain and wash again, with all the water going on choice plants in the garden such as camellias, ozmanthus fragrans etc.

                I have a great recipe for spinach and cheese ramekins. It's delicious and good enough to serve when entertaining friends or family. If you would like it let me know and I'll post it here for all to enjoy!


                Happiness is being with the love of your life. If you can't have that, then an unlimited supply of well-rotted manure is a pretty close second!


                • #9
                  A new recipes is always very welcome, so yes, please!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Patchninja View Post
                    A new recipes is always very welcome, so yes, please!

                    ill second that as a good recipe for spinach would be very welcome
                    The longest journey always started with a single step


                    • #11
                      OK guys, here's the recipe.

                      Cheese & Spinach Ramekins


                      1 bunch spinach, destalked
                      ¼ cup of milk
                      2 onions, chopped
                      1 clove garlic, finely chopped
                      pepper, freshly ground
                      1 small egg
                      Maggi seasoning
                      grated cheese - emmental, gruyère etc
                      4 thin slices multi-grain bread


                      Lightly grease two ramekin dishes with butter. Cut the bread, if necessary, to fit the ramekins. Lightly butter one side of each slice of bread. Place one slice in the base of each ramekin, buttered side up.

                      Sauté the onions and garlic until golden. Add the chopped spinach and stir fry until cooked. Remove from the heat. Spread some of the spinach mixture evenly over the bread in the base of the ramekins and sprinkle with some of the grated cheese. Add another layer of the spinach mixture and cheese. Top with the second slice of bread, buttered side up. Sprinkle the tops with the remaining grated cheese.

                      Beat together the egg, milk, salt, pepper and a few drops of Maggi seasoning. Carefully pour the mixture into the ramekins, soaking the top slice of bread. Be sure not to add too much liquid as it will 'waterlog' the ingredients at the bottom of the dish. Bake in a hot oven for 20 to 25 minutes until the cheese is bubbling and the tops are golden brown. Serve while warm.

                      Note: Maggi seasoning is a flavour-enhancer sold thru supermarkets, delis and Asian stores, see Maggi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                      Last edited by Janek; 26-03-2010, 08:53 PM.
                      Happiness is being with the love of your life. If you can't have that, then an unlimited supply of well-rotted manure is a pretty close second!


                      • #12
                        Thank you. I'll try that!


                        • #13
                          Give it a try, Patchninja. It is pretty much a foolproof recipe with not a lot that can go wrong if the instructions are followed. Also, it doesn't call for a specific grating cheese - whatever you have lying around, or whatever is a good price at the supermarket/deli will be good to use. With you being in Brittany, my God the choice of quality cheeses is endless! LOL
                          Happiness is being with the love of your life. If you can't have that, then an unlimited supply of well-rotted manure is a pretty close second!


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