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What are you growing that you know will probably end in disaster but you still do it?


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  • #46
    The really risky ones for me this year are tomatillos, gherkins, mini cucumbers and achocha. Oh, and attempting to do squashes again but without as much mildew.

    Last time the tomatillo plants grew well, but didn't have a large enough pot and/or enough water to swell the fruit properly. At least this is the theory. Gherkins and mini cucs may be doomed as I managed quite happily to kill the seedlings for the common cucumber last year. Achocha may not be something I actually like or can eat.

    The rest I still may kill or mess up, but at least I know I like the other things!

    Am avoiding aubergines out of a sense of self preservation as regards to my sanity.


    • #47
      Total newbie here answering your question.

      Quite possibly everything I am growing this year may end in failure.


      • #48
        I don't think there's anything to be honest.

        If I know I don't like it I don't see the point of wasting my time, energy and space on it.
        A simple dude trying to grow veg.

        BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

        Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

        What would Vedder do?


        • #49
          Sprouts. I try them every year and every year they bolt or blow

          I don't grow anything I don't like, though I'm not mad keen on parsnips but I am getting better at growing them.
          Last edited by pdblake; 12-04-2010, 04:10 PM.
          Urban Escape Blog


          • #50
            Erm, well I don't grow what I don't like, so no sprouts, beetroot, fennel etc

            However, I'm absolutely rubbish at lettuces of any sort... tried them inside, outside, from plug plant, from seed and they just die. I tend not to bother now!

            I tried melons and sweet potatoes last year which were a wash out - loads of foliage, no fruit/tubers etc. Not sure whether to give them a go again this year or not!

            I'm also not good with chillis and peppers - am very diligent, but not successful! I'll keep trying though!


            • #51
              As other people have said, if I didn't like something then I wouldn't grow it. The only exception being sweet corn - it is truely the food of the devil but I grow it for my OH who loves it. Tried some again last year, it was almost OK raw but really yucky cooked - really hate the way it feels like puss when you bite into it, like a teenagers squeezing a spot ........................

              Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

              Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


              • #52
                eeeeewwwwwww Allllisssooooon noooooo



                • #53
                  Originally posted by Alison View Post
                  really hate the way it feels like puss when you bite into it, like a teenagers squeezing a spot ........................
                  I can safely say that I've never bitten into a teenager's spot.
                  Last edited by HeyWayne; 12-04-2010, 04:23 PM.
                  A simple dude trying to grow veg.

                  BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

                  Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

                  What would Vedder do?


                  • #54
                    I will never, never grow kohlrabi again. It tasted foul and I couldn't give it away!


                    • #55
                      Im growing Purple Jalapino again, I love them only for how pretty they look! I cant stand their taste and they are way too tame for me! I love the hot fruity chillies, mmm!!! LOL good job I have lots of different Habs, including 1 called Yellow Bumpy Scotch Bonnet, Dorset Naga, a couple of Trinidad scorpions and a few other hotties as well!
                      Live like you never lived before!

                      Laugh Like you never laughed before!

                      Love like you never loved before!

                      One Love & Unity



                      • #56
                        I grow a few courgettes... not because I like them, but because they are quick and easy and fill the spot in the patch.... I can then give them away to neighbours whilst keeping the nice veg for myself
                        I fear no beer


                        • #57
                          When I took on my allotment the only things growing there were runner beans and the crop was magnificent, trouble is I hate runner beans. Love all other beans though so I'm trying lots of varieties this year.
                          One thing I love but can't grow is PSB. Mine just didn't sprout last year and the replacement crop was just begining to show purple sprouts a week or so ago when within a couple of days the lot were attacked by pigeons (I think) leaving just the veins on the leaves. Dug the whole lot up in disgust, won't be trying again.


                          • #58
                            Courgettes - horrible pappy things and texture of slimy slugs when cooked!! But...... they grow so well and so prolific that they make me feel like I may just have green fingers, and I feel rather smug when passing them onto friends and family with the usual - oh just something I grew. Trouble is they usually ask me what else I'm growing - I tend to veer towards the attempting list rather than the literal list.
                            'May your cattle never wander and your crops never fail'


                            • #59
                              Corn. Two types, one for popping, and one blue flint corn for making hominy and later posole (mexican pork and pumpkin seed type soup). My first batch of seedlings were eaten by a *£$%&ing mouse but then the cat started to spend more time outside so I think it's safe again. (no doubt what they want me to think)
                              The Impulsive Gardener


                              Chelsea Uribe Garden Design


                              • #60
                                Well i wont be growing any more Beetroot this year, i still have chutney from the crop two years ago, and i just chucked last years wasted crop in the composter. I don't like it enough to eat it as a regular veg. I didn't eat my Turks turban squash from last year harvest either so no more of them. I will be trying to grow a blasted Aubergine though, as last year was a dismal failure! My secret plan this year is to grow one on the lottie instead and not the garden plot. It's much hotter on the lottie and if that does not work then 'Hang them'!!. I don't really like them anyways, i just like to see how things grow.


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