I'm getting really frustrated with trying to grow Brassica seedlings.
Every single time I plant seed (in modules), the seedlings come up fine - only to suffer damping off. I've tried watering from the bottom, stopped growing them on the windowsill in preference for a cold greenhouse (think I read somewhere humidity knocks em for six) and even left them to go almost bone dry before watering. This year I bought John Innes No1, instead of using multi-purpose compost, in an attempt to give them a better chance.
I'm thinking of abandoning modules and just growing in a seedbed on the lottie - I'm going to try again this week, as I'm a determined b*ggar and don't like to be beaten - so all you clever peeps who can grow brassicas, take pity on an idiot and tell me how the hell it's done.
Every single time I plant seed (in modules), the seedlings come up fine - only to suffer damping off. I've tried watering from the bottom, stopped growing them on the windowsill in preference for a cold greenhouse (think I read somewhere humidity knocks em for six) and even left them to go almost bone dry before watering. This year I bought John Innes No1, instead of using multi-purpose compost, in an attempt to give them a better chance.
I'm thinking of abandoning modules and just growing in a seedbed on the lottie - I'm going to try again this week, as I'm a determined b*ggar and don't like to be beaten - so all you clever peeps who can grow brassicas, take pity on an idiot and tell me how the hell it's done.