Afternoon all,
We've been having a chat about an interesting topic around the office and we'd really like your input. The UK has lost 94%* of its lowland peat bogs since the beginning of the 19th-century and two thirds of the peat harvested is used by amateur gardeners. We want to know if you use it or have done in the past?
Please vote in the poll attached and, if you wish, post your comments on the thread below! Your answers may be edited and included in the June issue of Grow Your Own. Bit of deadline on this one I'm afraid, if you could vote and post by Friday of this week I'd be very grateful.
* Statistic taken from Wildlife Trust Journal.
We've been having a chat about an interesting topic around the office and we'd really like your input. The UK has lost 94%* of its lowland peat bogs since the beginning of the 19th-century and two thirds of the peat harvested is used by amateur gardeners. We want to know if you use it or have done in the past?
Please vote in the poll attached and, if you wish, post your comments on the thread below! Your answers may be edited and included in the June issue of Grow Your Own. Bit of deadline on this one I'm afraid, if you could vote and post by Friday of this week I'd be very grateful.
* Statistic taken from Wildlife Trust Journal.